Car to loud - Not getting laid

1trace, Feb 5, 1:17pm
OK this is what happened.

I see the bigger your tail pipe is the louder your car is so thinking my car was to loud I squashed the end of the tail pipe to about 4mm all the way along its now flat edge.

Problem is now for some reason the car has no go! It will move along ok but give it some herbs and it starts to fart around and on top of that I dont think its any quieter. Well it is but it makes this puffy sound

Maybe I need some kind of silencer so I can sneak out to my BF's without the old man waking up

1trace, Feb 5, 1:33pm
! If I seal my hole up completely how will I get laid

1trace, Feb 5, 1:34pm
Oh you mean the tail pipe lol

johnf_456, Feb 5, 1:53pm
Expanding foam should do it

sudsy99, Feb 5, 2:43pm
The 'old man being' #1 BF/Partner!

robbo36, Feb 5, 2:45pm
You could always use a pillow to "muffle" any noise emanating from the source. Might have to "squeeze" tighter to expel all used and old gasses trapped in cavities

richynuts, Feb 5, 2:51pm
Yeah nah the 'old man' is the slappers dad, she wants to climb out the bedroom window get in her shag mobile and go over to her boyfriends house to do the wild thing, then get back without her dad knowing

sudsy99, Feb 5, 2:54pm
Okay, TM rules are that you got to be 18 to have an acct on here.At 18, I wasn't even living at home let alone gave a crap what my parents thought about what I did.

robbo36, Feb 5, 2:54pm
Then, let him do the running around. Jump out your window and get him to pick you up in his Mum's quiet shopping basket

kazbanz, Feb 5, 6:31pm
you could park aways down the road and walk

1trace, Feb 5, 6:32pm
Haa that would have saved my tail pipe. Oh well

craig04, Feb 5, 6:37pm
I'm liking the inuendo!

1trace, Feb 5, 6:39pm
I tried parking down the road but apparently I was up to something and he owns my car so I end up losing it. the donkey

1trace, Feb 5, 6:46pm
Bar the slapper bit "/ yes

richardmayes, Feb 5, 7:00pm

Do not drive the car until you have opened the tailpipe back up.

Then, drive to an exhaust shop, ask them to take a look at it because you want it to be quieter.

(It might be loud because it is a boy racer fart cannon system. OR it might be loud because there is a hole in it somewhere.)

richardmayes, Feb 5, 7:05pm
OR - you could try having an open & frank conversation with your Dad! You are old enough to drive a car and have a TM account after all!

robbo36, Feb 5, 7:34pm
Or - practice your "horizontal folk dancing" under Dad's roof, if it's ok with him and Mum of course. At least they will know where you are and are safely protected! lol

carkitter, Mar 16, 6:07am
All you did was prevent the exhaust gases from getting out and choking the engine in the process. Open up the hole again.