Does anybody know if I will get any advantages from using 91,96 or 98 octane petrol in my motobike, whether its economy or power!
Dec 17, 9:06pm
power wise 98 will give you the best, but an r1 already has enough power :D What does the owners manual say!
Dec 17, 9:12pm
91 probably . tried all the super super stuff in my Bandit and wondered why it ran and idled like a dog, went back to 91 . viola, no more probs !
Dec 17, 9:15pm
yeah well for my bike, my mechanic told me to run 91 so thats what i use
Dec 17, 9:16pm
i dont have an owners manual, but im sure i can check it up online somewhere.
Dec 17, 9:16pm
yeah, ill just experement for a while
Dec 17, 9:22pm
ZX14, Bussa, used both didnt notice squat difference so stuck with 91. They adjust themselves to suit these days anyway.
Dec 17, 9:23pm
If they are injected.
Dec 17, 9:29pm
yeah my one is the last carby model apparantly
Dec 17, 9:30pm
Nothin wrong with carbs, well set up there better than alot of injection systems.
Dec 17, 10:28pm
Crikey. I wouldn't be using 91 in a R1.
Dec 17, 10:30pm
Yup, there is no way I would be using 91 in any motorbike, most engines have fairly high compression ratios, my bike has been on 98 since day 1 and nothing else goes in it.
Dec 17, 10:51pm
91 is what i would use
Dec 17, 11:21pm
Agree. I use 98 in all my sports bikes. (Yamaha and Ducati)
Dec 17, 11:29pm
What about my 81 XV750!
Dec 17, 11:34pm
Agree too. High compression engines are NOT designed for 91 octane. It may feel the same to ride but long term you will shorten the engines life. I use 96 octane, sometimes 98.
Dec 17, 11:36pm
cool, thanks everybody for your comments.
Dec 18, 12:11am
Brand new bike, dealer said 91 (that is the green handle isnt it!) would be good as.
Dec 18, 12:13am
Dealers will say whatever they feel like, some havn't got a clue and don't care as long as they sell you a bike.
Dec 18, 12:17am
He was an IOMTT winner a few times so I would HOPE he knew what should go in the tank. Ive never had anything old or new give any grief at all on 91, in fact with the Bussa it was more economical on 91.
Dec 18, 2:15am
I own 7 motor bikes and they all get started once a month,if I use 91 they are hard to start or worse foul up plugs and then backfire, with98 they start straight away, My mum has a quadbike on her farm and every now and then have to go and replace the plug and tell her once again DO NOT USE 91 but she just complains 98 is more expensive!My 94 nissan runs like crap if I use 91,98 is all I use in that now and the crazy thing is I get more km's on a tank as well.
Dec 18, 2:34am
91 for machines that cut grass. 95+ for anything else for me. Bike runs like crap on 91 only ran it once, and car gets more km/l on 95
Dec 18, 2:55am
My bike knocks like a door to door salesman on anything lower than 98.
Dec 18, 11:48pm
agree on the 91 for 2smokers for clipping the lawn/hedge. 650 ninja likes 96.have yet to verify extra km/l on higher octane in the 2L Hooonda tbh.
Dec 18, 11:56pm
might give 96 a go then, hope a get an extra hp lol
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