this question maybe up phil W's alley, as it relates to a hyundai lantra 1600 which i believe is a mitsi copy ! i have double checked the thermo/s and the temp gauge sender and they are functioning correctly, the rad/fan comes on b4 the thermo has opened so i guess thats crook , the bottom hose stays quite cool and the car has to be idling a long time b4 you can feel the temp rise in the bottom hose and rad. mind you its got a bloody big rad , but is this normal with the bypass system !it just seems that the thermo is'nt working, or it only bleeds a little cool water when absolutely necessary. i only ask this question as this car had a blown h/g and now its repaired i want to find out why it did it in the first place Ta
Dec 18, 9:22pm
Have you checked the follow of the radiator, I am thinking along the lines of a blocked radiator.
Dec 18, 9:48pm
i wouldn't worry about the fan coming on a little too soon, if it doesn't at all i would worry, radiators hot flows in top goes around until cold and out the bottem, pretty much how a radiator works. as for the head gasket, is your car a turbo if the termo wasn't working it would stay closed no water in, pump still pumping and pop goes the radiator or head gasket depending which is weaker, or the thermo could be faultly i would replace it if it hasn't been Does this help!
Dec 18, 10:16pm
Dec 18, 10:34pm
I would checkthat the water pump still has an impellorattached to the shaft
Dec 18, 10:39pm
Chuck a new thermostat in it.
Dec 18, 10:54pm
Yes im part dyslexic. Thanks
Dec 18, 11:00pm
In that case, you should've said 'owfl'.
Dec 18, 11:17pm
you dont understand
Dec 18, 11:24pm
Yes, I do actually. You are just coming up with excuses that make you look innocent.
Dec 18, 11:24pm
Which trap
Dec 18, 11:27pm
I am, dsylexics often think one thing then write something totally different. Often jumpling words do some resesrch and you might understand. Hence i have to go over and over words,with edits,sometimes to. Dont be insenstive.
Dec 18, 11:32pm
So what happens when you fail wof inspections on cars! Do you f.k up the words on the check sheet too! Like instead of saying LF ball joint, and you write down steering idler. So, the client could drive in for a recheck after doing their own work, and you see the faulty part is still there, right! Or do I not understand!
Dec 18, 11:39pm
no i dont at all and that is twisted, its not generally a issue but its a constant battle to check.
It was one simple mistake and i thanked you for it and explained why. Only to cope more negativity for honesty.
Jun 22, 12:15pm
TA fellas for your imput, hopefullygot it sorted.
HEY ! why don't you two slag yourselves on someone else's thread.
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