What sort of car would you buy!

69steel, Feb 9, 1:24am
We need a new car with a budget of around 4-5k. Needs to be able to fit 2 car seats in the back and pram in the boot. What would you recommend and what year! Atm we have a cefiro stationwagon but we are hoping to reduce fuel and maybe go for a 1.5l. Cheers

moosie_21, Feb 9, 1:29am
Wait for it.

69steel, Feb 9, 1:40am
Not sure but its a 2.5l v6 done 240ks

69steel, Feb 9, 1:46am
puntos look way too small but seem cheap!

69steel, Feb 9, 1:55am
Yeah I realise what you are saying. We are probably using around $60 a week in fuel just mucking around. I was thinking of selling my car for around 2k! Then put another 3k or so into another one. Not sure whether it is a good move or not considering we don't know the condition of the new car and this one is a 98 and goes well. hmmmm.

vtecintegra, Feb 9, 1:56am
If you want a new car then go for it - just don't expect to save any money that way.

69steel, Feb 9, 1:57am
The whole idea was to save on gas-maybe not such a good idea after all lol

thejazzpianoma, Feb 9, 2:03am
If you seriously want to reduce fuel the Punto is definitely the way to go. Its also worth considering the 4 1/2 star NCAP rating. The ones to go for are the 2001 or newer models which are easily found in your budget.

Size will be the one down point. However, two car seats are definitely doable (I know this because my worker loved his one so much that he was looking to get one for home as well so did the testing!) You will however need to go for a mountain buggy or similar properly folding pram(s) for in the back.

If you seriously want to consider one, let me know and I can fill you in on what to look for and what to expect. They have to be about the best value little car in the price range in NZ.

If you want to compare fuel economy, expect to use about 6l/100km during general knocking around town.

Like Kaz said though, do your math carefully!

fordcrzy, Feb 9, 2:08am
my biggest concern would be if you had good insurance on the CEF.its just got "steal me" all over it.

69steel, Feb 9, 2:10am
Why is that!

vtecintegra, Feb 9, 2:19am
Bear in mine even the 16v 1.2 Punto has much less than half the power you're used to, even given the much lower weight its going to be very noticeable.

69steel, Feb 9, 2:20am
Yeah the punto is def too small for us I think. Hubby would kill me!

thejazzpianoma, Feb 9, 2:32am
There is always the M car!
You are looking at about$12 per 100km knocking around town (Compare that!) and there is no shortage of room. but again. you might be in big trouble with the other half.

foxdonut, Feb 9, 5:31am
Honda Accord.

Every other answer is wrong.

69steel, Feb 9, 4:48pm
lol kazbanz-I know millars. Might have to take your advice I think and keep my car.

mantagsi, Apr 3, 12:48pm
Believe it or not but those A32 wagons used to be one of the most stolen cars, not sure why! I have an A32 manual sedan, easy to steal but not sure why anyone would :S it is hardly anything special, nor is it very quick either