Car Transportation.

machinehead, Dec 21, 6:11pm
What is the most cost effective way to get a car shifted!

I don't have the time to go and get it myself and car haulage/companies seem to have an average price of $1000 for this particular distance.

It's from just North of Dunedin to the Hamilton area.

The car is going, but would probably be a liability (fine-wise) if driven.

pup2, Dec 21, 6:18pm
checked pricing on train! Someone from akld brought my old xe from chch and that was the cheapest option for them.

machinehead, Dec 21, 6:32pm
Mmmm XE.

I'm wanting to transport a Ford too.

Train.I didn't think of that. Will look into it now.

machinehead, Dec 21, 7:28pm
Can't find anything.


pup2, Dec 21, 8:10pm
It was with Toll if that helps

roadkillcafe, Dec 21, 8:18pm
its now probably kiwirail ltd

luxy, Dec 21, 8:59pm
cheapest is the shipping companies. come in to auckland. very cheap

bashfulbro, Dec 22, 3:26am
Train is much cheaper, half the price ,however ,it could arrive a week or two late, after traveling viaInvercargill or Kaitaia .

the-lada-dude, Dec 22, 1:25pm
hey luxy, let me know when the RENA comes past again !

swivel, Dec 23, 3:37am

careyw, Dec 23, 1:38pm
just got a quote of 793 for ya

bevharris1938, Dec 23, 2:04pm
contact 'captian transporter' for good cheap prices for transport ie; (from CHCH)
Auckland $778.00
Hamilton $749.00
New Plymouth $722.00
Wellington $441.00
Dunedin $263.00
Invercargill $460.00

car27, Dec 24, 2:54pm
Yeah captain transport,I got an impala from CCH to auckland to my door for about 750

subo, Dec 24, 9:02pm
Yes. Captain transporter are fantastic. Did our 4 wheel driveLandcruiser from Auckland to Christchurch in 4 days.

abcleopard1960, Dec 25, 9:45pm
who do they use though! their own trucks or are they just a broker, if they're a broker then cut out the middle man and deal direct,

this is the best team to deal with

gabbysnana, Jul 10, 11:13am
son just brought a terranoup on a transporter fromthere cost him $800 would have been cheaper if a normal car apparently.