When is a car considered "classic"

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ginga4lyfe, Feb 11, 8:17pm
Iv been inquiring around for insurance, and most places except for AMI, wont insure my 1977 Triumph for daily use on a "classic cover" and say thay wont insure it on any other policy! and I havnt tried NAC, and will not try NAC, now i would be fine with classic cover the only problem is classic cover only insures it if it travels only up to 5000kms a year, which is frankly useless!

lookoutas, Feb 11, 8:23pm
There are some companies that don't put a distance limit on.
What's a Triumph worth!
Is it worth insuring for full cover! Consider 3rd party.

les6, Feb 11, 8:30pm
try the AA.I got dicked around with limited mileage etc when we insured ours.In the end told them to stick and got a good deal with unlimited mileage and better alround cover from them.There are plenty of specialist classic car companies out there,seem to remember seeing an ad for swann in the club mag!try a google.

ginga4lyfe, Feb 11, 8:30pm
yeah AMI is one of the no age so no limit insurance companies, they are offering to do a nice deal on third party, but id still like to have a look around at other possibilities, and its a little hard to value it, its not quite on the road, its running, little rust, not exactly in the best shape, but hell its going to be a cheap daily to spend some time working on and getting it nicely redone, id personally only value it at 1k in its current state, but i have seen others gofor a bit more in slightly better condition, and lots more in mint condition

phillip.weston, Feb 11, 8:31pm
you can insure with more than 5000kms with classic car cover, but it costs more naturally.

ginga4lyfe, Feb 11, 8:33pm
yeah AA was the first place i tried after Tower said " nah we only insure cars from 1984 upwards " ( completely disregarding my good history with them! ) AA dicked me around and wouldnt move either, so I hung up and tried other places, thanks for the heads up on Swann, ill look into that now

franc123, Feb 11, 8:48pm
Swann.oh dear be prepared to get dicked around some more.They took two working weeks to even give me a premium estimate, of which you can normally get instantly over the phone with other companies, and even then it wasn't competitive with AA's.Don't waste your time.

parcelman, Feb 11, 8:56pm
Get a broker and let them do the legwork. Mine does it all including classic

pfemstn, Feb 11, 9:17pm
generally 5000 kma yris the max for classic cover

quickstitch, Feb 11, 9:33pm
when your grandparent says 'i use to have one of them'

socram, Feb 11, 9:39pm
Classic Cover. They seem to be able to tailor the insurance to suit your fleet.

ringo2, Feb 11, 10:18pm
1977 isn't a classic anyway.Most Classic Car Clubs accept cars over 40 years old.

vjregal770, Feb 11, 10:43pm

magoo2, Feb 11, 11:33pm
ringo2 wrote:
1977 isn't a classic anyway.Most Classic Car Clubs accept cars over 40 years old.[/quote

]vcc accepts 30 year old cars

franc123, Feb 11, 11:33pm
Umm,with respect to insurance they are, which if you hadn't noticed is the topic of this thread.

magoo2, Feb 11, 11:35pm
why dont you disconnect the speedo for a few months of the year.! That should keep the milage down. Most people do it with diesels anyway

lookoutas, Feb 11, 11:41pm
I wouldn't recommend insuring anything worth less than 4K. Just get 3rd party.

socram, Feb 12, 12:21am
Both our classic race series are for pre 1977 - and run ons.There is no such thing as an internationally accepted cut off date for "classic".It varies from club to club, country to country, government to government, person to person.

richardmayes, Feb 12, 12:45am
A "classic cover" insurance policy isn't about the semantics of whether your Triumph is a classic or not.

Classic cover is full insurance for people's pride & joy cars, that sit in a garage 350 days of the year and get driven on Sunday afternoons, up to about 5,000km per year (or some other arbitrary figure like that.)

If you want to run a classic as a daily driver, classic cover is probably not for you, you need full insurance. I have my 2.5PI with AMI, on a regular full insurance policy, premium is about $400-ish.

My Dad has a late-70s 2000TC on a classic cover policy.

Oh and Triumphs absolutely are classics BTW. The roads are very much beautifed and made the richer by our presence.

lovemore_mbigi, Feb 12, 4:05am
Beats me why you're wasting your time trying to 5 and 10 cent insurance cover for a car you admit is nothing more than a runabout shed and whose market value would not exceed the cost of a month's groceries.

Get 3rd party from AMI and move on.

ginga4lyfe, Feb 12, 6:37am
why! because some cars WONT insure a car beyond a certain age unless its on "classic cover" and come claim time i dont wunna be ripped off the cars worth in excess, so isnt it natural to want to look around for the best deal! still at this moment 3rd party cover with ami ( they dont have an age limit ) is looking to be the go

amber.gumdrop, Feb 12, 2:19pm
barstows insurance brokers are awesome

vjregal770, Feb 12, 2:21pm
Never heard of Barstows. Do they insure for an everyday-use classic too!

peja, Feb 12, 4:12pm
It would depend on what type of car it is - a 1985 Toyota or Mitsubishi isnt a classic, a 1985 Rolls Royce or Porsche probably is. Rarity and original quality come into it. I;d call a late 70's Triumph a classic, although it is a bit marginal, but for insurance purpose it is about mileage, not how "classic" it is.

A 1920's Bentley or Bugatti driven more than 5000 km (or whatever arbitrary figure the company concerned uses) either cant get classic insurance, or will need increased cover, whereas a 1985 Toyota Corolla driven less than 5000 km can.

amber.gumdrop, Apr 12, 6:54am
I dont have the details here im away for work weve been with them for years, ours are voluntary miles limited, caus thats what they do but they are great
try calling http://yellow.co.nz/detailssearch.ds!detailsListingId=102986305_1028 ours are 1926, 1969, 1978/9 and are all covered.