Ellerslie Car Show

socram, Feb 13, 12:28am
Did anyone go!I skipped it this year as I prefer to go every two years, but always interested in what people thought.Oh, and did MGmad's team win the autotest!Who won the overall concours!

clark20, Feb 13, 1:24am
A Porsche 356 did win I think, I went at 2.30pm and no-one was on the gate so I got in for free, but autotest finished.

It was good, some nice old cars and some new ohhh the DBS is beautiful

socram, Feb 13, 2:55am
Almost every Aston is beautiful!

vjregal770, Feb 13, 3:22am
The show seemed smaller to me somehow!
Still a good event, but it's getting a bit repetitive though IMO

Mmmmmm.the Astons.*slobber*

mgmad, Apr 14, 12:52pm
Hi socram, 75 clubs this year and more cars than last year I believe. Less teams entered than normal (9) but four masters class cars, of which the 356 was the best. Mustang won the concours 1 and were 2nd, Porsche 3rd. John Hancocks MG K1 was again best of the team cars overall, for the second year. And Mini won best display, they do always put on a good show.

Autotest went well, probably the closest it's ever been and a couple more teams than we had last year. We ran the big cars in their own group and it was very tight, the best of 3 final went down to the last maneuvre of the last run with AMCC team 2 winning the personalised plate. Despite a tight semi final against two very good Mini drivers and my car being slightly overfull of oil and fouling plugs every run Matt and I managed to beat Dad and Cam in the final by not much. Sorry to all those that missed it - I had thought we would be running late due to the extra couple of teams so we pushed it through quickly and ended up finishing a bit early. Although it does mean I get to have a look around the rest of the show for a bit