Whats a tippet on a car!

shaun1978, Feb 13, 8:29pm
And any ideas what a good price for getting it fixed would be!

shaun1978, Feb 13, 8:29pm
or tappet it may have been!

jamstew, Feb 13, 8:34pm
is it "plinking"!
Cos that is a really cheap as fix, like just tightening with a torque wrench i think, but yeah shouldn't be too expensive.

shaun1978, Feb 13, 8:35pm
makes a ticking noise. Mechanic just rang and they are going to call me back with a quote. They said it needs replacing.

illusion_, Feb 13, 8:38pm
yep . a TAPPET (makes a tapping noise when too loose)

price, and even if it needs replacing rather than just adjusting depends entirely on the car

saki, Feb 13, 9:34pm
tippet on the end of my fly line leader.

lookoutas, Feb 13, 10:30pm
you might get it fixed for a tippet. Or two.

rob_man, Feb 13, 11:36pm
If you lift your bannet, you'll see there is an ongine under there. Inside the ongine there is a cumshift which makes the vulves open and close.
Between the cumshift and the vulves there are lefters which are pumped up by eel pressure as the ongine turns. These are sometimes known as tippets and if they aren't pimping up properly the result will be a ruttle or tipping noise.

intrade, Apr 16, 2:14pm
what car make engine number!
tapets be the one be good to know what engine so we can see if it has hydraulic self adjusting ones or not.
most people ignore the noise or use a additive like pronmar or what ever the name was to fix the noise mitsu$hitheap use promar loads to fix them heaps. it maybe what your mechanic is gona use be 40 to 100$ with oil change . and normally hydro tapets dont make noises when you change the oil on time. exempted are mitsubisheaps.