I thought someone had finally come out with a non-gay 4X4 to fill the gaping void that exists for such vehicles but they can't be registered for road use. Now. if you had an old one that still had live registration and gradually replaced every part wjth new stuff, . http://www.suzuki.co.nz/Automotive/Farmworker/Farmworker+Versatile+4X4/
Dec 28, 8:34pm
these cant be used on the road one reason is emission they are not euro4
Dec 28, 8:39pm
But if you had an old rusty one that was still live, an entire vehicle transplant could occur.
Dec 28, 8:45pm
I like the way you think.
Dec 28, 8:49pm
That can be done in seconds.
Dec 28, 9:56pm
Sometimes the screws are rusty and it could turn into a half hour marathon.
Dec 28, 11:01pm
Registered as a farm vehicle.
Dec 28, 11:03pm
Another reason is their very bad crash safety.
Dec 28, 11:16pm
That's easy, don't crash one.
Dec 28, 11:51pm
What are the restrictions for a farm registered vehicle!
Dec 29, 12:14am
Vehicle has to be used between farms under the same ownership and within 50km of each other,thats what I worked out last time I looked into it.
Dec 29, 12:25am
basically can only be driven from farm to farm up to a certain amount of kms. I think it's able to venture into town for the sole purpose of repairs etc.
Dec 29, 1:53am
I still have the plates and tags of my one which will never be going back on the road. Its way to modified now
Dec 29, 1:58am
$17k gets you a brand new one.
Jul 22, 9:07am
thats probly not to far off what my one owes me
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