gordo20, Feb 15, 6:07pm
AND IDLING LOW. Car hadn't been used in 1 year. Day one was fine, driving well. Petrol light was on and chugging slightly. Put gas in. now its really bad and wont even stay on without revving it and even then just chugs and shuts off. Is this to do with the fuel line maybe! I thought it was chugging in the beginning because it was low on gas but now I dont know. Anyone know anything.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 15, 6:12pm
I find Blue cars tend to do this a lot, perhaps you could enlighten us as to the colour so we can rule that out. while you are at it some idea of make/model/year might be of help as well.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 15, 6:13pm
Also, checking and changing the fuel filter might be a good place to start. Fuel filters are only a few bucks so change it even if it looks clean.

gordo20, Feb 15, 6:17pm
Your right it is blue too! Mazda familia estina 1990.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 15, 6:21pm
I knew it! I'm always right. just ask Kazbanz. No wonder it blue up.

Anyhow. a Mazda expert (or yourself) can probably confirm this but I am pretty sure those are still carburettor engines. (Might help if you posted engine size) So, if you have no luck after a fuel filter change next step might be giving the carb a clean and the jets a blow through.

gordo20, Feb 15, 6:25pm
Thank you for that. Cant remember engine size. its only small. car is no with me atm. Its on the side of the rd 5 k away.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 15, 6:26pm
BTW for future reference. If a car has fuel that is more than 3 months old in it, its generally wise to drain/replace or at least dilute it heavily with new fuel before starting.

Even worse is doing the above with very little fuel in the tank. Its bound to have picked up some muck from the bottom of the tank from sitting.

This is even more important for small air cooled engines which have been known to melt pistons from running on old fuel. Not so likely to be a major with a car though. luckily!

gordo20, Feb 15, 6:27pm
If a car has a carburetter and it runs out of gas are you suppose to tip some fuel in there before starting. Might be a dumb question.But I thought I heard that years ago!

thejazzpianoma, Feb 15, 6:28pm
How much fresh fuel did you put in it!

thejazzpianoma, Feb 15, 6:29pm
In the days of very old cars with mechanical fuel pumps that helped get it going more quickly. Not applicable with modern cars with electric fuel pumps and its not causing the problems you are having.

gordo20, Feb 15, 6:29pm
Ok thanks.

johnf_456, Feb 15, 6:34pm
Yip but they sure are more than a few bucks.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 15, 6:40pm
Where are you buying them! My last one was about $6 from memory.

johnf_456, Feb 15, 6:47pm
Most of them are over 6 bucks, but of course it varys location and what sort of car. Some injected cars cost a bit.

jono2912, Apr 24, 3:58am
Read the title and thought. Chugga chugga chugga CHOO CHOO!