Tighting clutch cable

loudnproud, Feb 19, 3:24pm
do i do it at the engine end or pedal. 1981 holden kingswood 202 3spd man

rob_man, Feb 19, 3:34pm
You do it at the end with the adjustor, usually at the engine end.

myjg33, Feb 19, 3:43pm
do the holdens need some free play in the cable!i no the fords do.i had to have about quarter of inch free play at the clutch fork or my brand new clutch would slip.not sure if holdens are the same tho.

rob_man, Feb 19, 3:49pm
I would imagine they need some free play in there, otherwise the thust bearing will be engaged constantly and wear out in no time.

1fordluva, Feb 19, 6:12pm
Remember to always lubricate the cable well before installing.

skin1235, Feb 19, 8:10pm
thought the 81 had the adjustment on the firewall, 81 was the HQ! shape, came out as belmont and kingswood (173/9 or 186 or 202)
big nylon thread and nut where the cable comes through

jmma, May 8, 7:41am
HQ had a long rod, that you adjust with a 7/16 spanner from memory, have about 1" free play at pedal