Buying a car out of your region

read-a-holic, Jan 3, 3:27am
Has anyone bought a car out of the area they live in!is there such a thing as a car transporter that could bring a vehicle from Nelson to Wellington, as I will be going into hospital soon and cannot go and get it and come back on the ferry.any suggestions very much appreciated

rovercitroen, Jan 3, 10:21am
Yes and Yes.

franc123, Jan 3, 2:20pm
Try these guys they have a pretty good rep for both pricing and service.

mcscottwgtn, Jan 3, 10:43pm
I flew to Hamilton to pick up my last car.The owner picked me up from the airport.We went to the AA to get the car checked.Went to the bank to transfer the money together.Easy.
If the car turns out to be 'not the one', just think of it as a holiday and an adventure.First time I had flown into Hamilton.Had to point out the bird nest in the left hand engine.Great fun.
Driving the car home is part of the fun.It hosed down for me.More fun.

familiadude, Jan 4, 12:29am
Looked at a car in wanganui a few ears back drove there it was a piece of crap so drove back. recently drove to rotorua to look at a car for the missus looked at it liked it and had the cash in hand they wanted 5k got it for 3900 in the end she drove it home and I drove my car back was a good weekend

200sx, Jan 4, 12:34am
Yes - depending on the sort of car is it, and the value, it might be worth getting an independant inspection done. I wouldn't bother with the AA, as their basic service is pretty much visual only, but perhaps look at the factory dealership local to the owner and ask them to spend an hour looking at it, or if they do specific pre-purchase inspections. I did this for a Clubsport that I purchased site unseen, was comprehensive and gave me all the piece of mind I needed. However if its only worth 2000 or 3000, or basically just a shitter, then perhaps not. Transport to all major towns is easy though.

toot5, Jan 4, 1:41am
can you get it dropped down to the bluebridge they can take it to wellington u pick it up there

read-a-holic, Aug 10, 8:53am
after much consideration I am going to have to find something in Wellington, unfortunately my own car sold at the most inconvenient time and I have to find a wee runabout to tide me over until I have time to really look for what I want.I have 2 weeks to find something before I go to hospital for surgery, and I have searched on trade me, auto trader, trade and exchange and cannot find anything as will keep looking!

Thanks for your tips will keep that in mind for the next vehicle where time is not a factor.