Car goes up.

ginga4lyfe, Jan 4, 12:52am
nice. how much did that + the shed cost ya!

thejazzpianoma, Jan 4, 12:57am
Levels of jealousy go up. levels of jealousy do not come down.

rob_man, Jan 4, 12:57am
Scored the hoist for $2550 new, the shed a bit more than that.

rob_man, Jan 4, 12:58am
It makes it fun to skite though.

pup2, Jan 4, 1:08am
$ boss says they are to expensive and hurry up and get that starter off. Jealousy levels very high

gunhand, Jan 4, 1:10am
Dig a pit.Actually $2550 seems very reasonable.

rob_man, Jan 4, 1:19am
Mostly around $3k, this was an auction that finished on New Years Eve from a seller with feedback of -1. I was the only bidder. I went straight there with a trailer and cash to make sure there would be no jiggery pokery.

mugenb20b, Jan 4, 1:20am
How long did it take you to install the hoist!

gunhand, Jan 4, 1:21am
Still, even $3k dosnt seem much for the convenince of them.

rob_man, Jan 4, 1:21am
In a workshop situation one would cover its cost pretty quickly.

rob_man, Jan 4, 1:23am
Pretty much a couple of days during the break, there were no instructions with it and I wasn't in any mad rush.

lookoutas, Jan 4, 1:23am
Funny how 'skite' popped into my head too.
'Lucky skite' then.

thejazzpianoma, Jan 4, 1:27am
Nah good on you rob_man I am sure its well deserved. Its actually doing me a service anyhow.

Tonight Mrs Jazz has had the following arguments:

* See this guy's new shed, makes my plans look reasonable and modest doesn't it!

* Rob's hoist was only $2500

rob_man, Jan 4, 1:30am
Pleased to be of help.

dent, Jan 4, 1:41am
damm you rob. lol You will have everyone on this forum envious.

gmphil, Jan 4, 2:20am
lol when read this my first day with hoist car went up n down serveral times best bucks spent

sr2, Jan 4, 2:33am
well done mate, I'd kill for a hoist. I've got the garage room but not the stud height, enjoy.

thejazzpianoma, Jan 4, 2:39am
Me too. but I had an idea the other day. whats the opposite of a roof chop!

attitudedesignz, Jan 4, 2:41am
And i'll bet my left one ya still aint going to win jazz lol.

richard198, Jan 4, 2:45am
On your own! (How did you get it in there!)

rob_man, Jan 4, 3:43am
In pieces on a trailer and some bits in the back of the Prado.

rob_man, Jan 4, 3:47am
That's something I considered doing to the old garage. Raising the roof and slipping prefabricated panels on top of the walls to give some height but I'm glad I did it this way because the old (Versatile) one was starting to deteriorate even though it was only 11 years old.

thejazzpianoma, Jan 4, 4:03am
You would be amazed!
I do pretty well actually. This is the same Mrs Jazz who traded her Automatic Corolla for a 1975 Alfa Spider LHD 4 weeks after we met. and just bought me a DeWalt nail gun for Christmas.

Generally I can barter my way to success. if I need to exceed the allotted 5 car maximum usually the place just becomes more of a zoo in exchange. Trouble is I think she wants a goat next. hmmmm.

thejazzpianoma, Aug 10, 6:40pm
I am amazed how crappily built mine is too. (might actually be a versatile and not a skyline. will have to check).

Because this is the "extra" shed (I have a full basement workshop, 2 car sized dirt floor storage and soon to be completed single garage as well as the double skyline) I wouldn't be getting away with a new one in a hurry. You have to draw the line somewhere. sadly.