Filled car with 91 octane and now not going

kym70, Jan 4, 4:12pm
friend has filled their car with 91 octane and it normally runs on 95 car doesnt want to go.any easy solutions !

trdbzr, Jan 4, 4:15pm
What car is it! I very highly doubt putting 91 octane into any car would make it stop going. Most likely something else is going wrong.

kym70, Jan 4, 4:17pm
its 2.5 v 6 telstar.early 90s i think

singing1, Jan 4, 4:21pm
Did you put air in the tyres too!
Because that could do it.

kym70, Jan 4, 4:29pm
always one funny fella aye!

motorway, Jan 4, 4:35pm
It will be something else.sure it wasn't diesel!

m16d, Jan 4, 4:37pm
Maybe there's air in the tank.!

lyonruge, Jan 4, 4:40pm
91 wont make it not go, but diesel will.

franc123, Jan 4, 5:02pm
The adding of fresh clean 91 won't have caused a no start problem, something else has gone wrong.In fact the only common things that really stopped that model from going was broken cambelts of course, and coils/ignition modules failing which basically means a new distributor is needed.Get the usual checks for spark and fuel delivery done.

kazbanz, Jan 4, 5:23pm
KYM--You really aren't helping. Can you PLEASE describe the sequence of events. As it sounds right now you freind pulled into a petrol station and filled up and it wouldn't start straight away afterwards.

nave12, Jan 4, 5:30pm
Fuel pump could have even conked out,heard that before after some one has pulled up at a servo filled the tank and then no go.

lasertech, Jan 4, 8:07pm
Common issue is the ignition modules

granada, Jan 4, 9:15pm
it wont be that because they filled it up with petrol, It would have pushed all the air out of the filler pipe

richard198, Jan 4, 9:19pm
Sounds like a coincidence to me.

ginga4lyfe, Jan 4, 10:12pm
+1 that

and I have NEVER seen a diesel v6 telstar, you would have had to drive a little while to get the old petrol out the lines, so it would have conked out later on outside of the servo. but speculation is just that. speculation, we Do need details.

marte, Jan 4, 11:58pm
Does anybody put Acetone in their petrol to improve it!

Only needs 30mls for a tankfull, I don't think it would ruin anything.
I did it by accident with my dirtbike & it made a great difference.

thewomble1, Jan 5, 7:27am
Vapour lock in the fuel line from a hot motor. Filled car with diesel and trying to start has been enough for diesel to be sucked into the fuel lines etc.

big.b-lil.c, Aug 13, 5:50am
the easiest solution is call a mobile mechanic. have a nice cup of tea while he fix's the car.