My skyline listing - Michael mason

nikki31, Feb 21, 9:06pm
Okay so this guy has just scammed one of the potential buyers of my car, hes obviously gotten their number off my trademe auction and started organizing a deal to go through, and scammed a trademe member out of 300 dollars, does anyone know this person or know what i can do! because the person that depoisted that 300, obviously thinks it was me, but it came from a hamilton bank account/number! any help will be appreciated

nikki31, Feb 21, 9:16pm
it was listed, it ended yesterday

trouser, Feb 21, 9:29pm
I have heard that name a few times before. Not good.

nikki31, Feb 21, 9:44pm
not at all, and its the same with that guy in the bahamas! another common scam artist, its just annoying me.

dave653, Feb 22, 3:44pm
Mason! My first boss had a son called Michael, bit of a dipshit from memory, and his old man was ripping 3 of us off. owes me around $12,000!

smac, May 17, 6:59am
Talk to trade-me, they'll organise the Police involvement. If he's dumb enough to use an onshore bank account he's done for.