Brand New car for $3200!

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musikcrazee, Jan 5, 6:37pm

granada, Jan 5, 7:06pm
Plus onroad costs, of course its a car , it has four wheels and a steering wheel and seat belts. Bet we never see them here

callum.irvine, Jan 5, 7:08pm
no we won't see them here. Last line of the article

"The Bajaj RE60 will go into production by mid-2012, but, like Tata's Nano, there is no chance it will be sold here due to our strict safety standards. "

foxdonut, Jan 5, 7:53pm
We get all that shit from China. I don't see the difference. More likely the tards at the LTSA wouldn't be able to work out if it would be classed as a car or a scooter and allowed on the motorway.

zak410, Jan 5, 7:56pm
Not macho enough !
People like them big here.

chevcamaro, Jan 5, 9:53pm
cool, a mobile jump pack for starting the chev

trdbzr, Jan 5, 10:38pm
In a incredibly congested place like India I can see a place for this car, but in NZ it would be a royal pain in the ass carrying four people in a 200cc 'car'.

owene, Jan 6, 2:32am
No crumple zones, no seatbelts, plastic framed seats, single brake circuit, 6v electrics, non safety glass. would you drive one!

thejazzpianoma, Jan 6, 2:54am
Its very interesting, we are seeing from the development of India almost exactly what happened in Italy after WW2.

Ironically. from almost the same company!

The poor working families over there after the war were in desperate need of cheap transport. Initially it was Scooters (Vespa) and then they quickly moved on to what were effectively Scooters with rooves (Micro cars and eventually the likes of the Fiat 500).

Vespa (Piaggio) moved on to making a micro car and Bajaj (Old Vespa's under license) as we see here are doing the same. History repeating around the globe.

ginga4lyfe, Jan 6, 7:19am
did you know. the citroen 2cv was actually a prototype PRE ww2 and was one of the few prototypes to be made after the war, and the 2cv was STILL in production up untill the early 90's! now thats pretty good for a small company! , THough i dont see Tata able to make such a big impact, if they do make a decent car that is even half as good ( in the ways of easy to make and eaily able to keep up with the times with out making too many changes ) then i think they really could become a good contender with the likes of other company's, though in saying that, Tata is pretty successful in the ways of owning Jaguar,and making the jags pretty damn well too

tonyrockyhorror, Jan 6, 3:53pm
Not around NZ drivers. On my own, no problem.

rsr72, Jan 6, 6:12pm
- a poor excuse.
We really should have it here,
to cement our emerging Third World status.

carstauranga001, Jan 6, 6:15pm
15 KW --------------- WOW, I think I can pedal my pushbike as fast and be just as safe too.

BTW the figures quted are $US so with shipping and GST I would say closer to 10 grand here.

gadgit3, Jan 6, 7:08pm
You'll be surprised what 15kw can push. I have a small bike with a 50cc engine producing 18hp. I'm 100kg and the bike only has one gear and will power me along at 100km/h. With a 60kg rider it will do 0-100km/h in just over 3sec. so form all that I would say as a town car with the right gears it would preform ok.

NZTools, Jan 6, 7:26pm
18hp form a 50cc motor! really!to put that in perspective, a 5.5hp briggs and stratton is 160cc

gadgit3, Jan 6, 7:37pm
Lol yea it's a highly strung Italian made water cooled 2 stroke engine made by Polini. And then I got hold of it through some after market BZM parts in the mix changed some port timing and expansion chamber and boom 18hp. first power band comes on strong at 8500rpm and this is when the clutch engauges and she pulls all the way to 18000rpm.
Used to race it but it's sat in the corner for a year or so now.

jagman24, Jan 6, 10:05pm
it my be cheap , a real looker, or what,looks like a lunch box on wheels, lol

owene, Jan 7, 12:11am
If you can get 18hp out of 50cc at 18krpm, I'll give you a job tuning our Yamaha KT100's and we'll take the world of karting by storm.!

gadgit3, Jan 7, 2:16am
Haha line me up. Not all engine are the same you should know that if your a kart racer. all engine designs have there restrictions.
This is a real race bike. miniature but real and to import one with all the to bring it up to what I have today will set you back a little over 10k cheap by racing standards I spose tho. Look up the engine some time, in Europe they are getting better then 22hp from the same engine. The bike is a Polini GP3 911 and the engine started life as 10.5hp.

gadgit3, Jan 7, 2:26am
Oh and by the way how many ports do the KT's run!

stacie_nz, Jan 7, 2:41am
is the crown going to put tax on imported cars again soon key said it away of making money and jobs in thames for the boys

the-lada-dude, Jan 7, 3:23pm
how about you put up a web site to varify your hp claim !
the only stuff i can find is they are 39cc & 4.5 hp

jmma, Jan 7, 3:36pm

gadgit3, Jan 7, 3:41pm
Yea sure heres a link to a GP4 same engine as mine but frame updates.
If you look down under the second pic on the page you will see it is factory 14hp.

gadgit3, Jan 7, 3:44pm
Oh heres a youtube clip of a Blata running the same BZM top end as mine.