Skyline value.

stevo2, Feb 25, 12:48am
My Son in Law is about to sell his 97 Skyline GTS25T R33 skyline coupe.
Its white with body kit, done 170,000km auto and turbo.
The condition would be average.
Does anyone have an idea what he could get for it please!
Cheers Stevo

gunhand, Feb 25, 12:50am
Do a comparable search and see what they sell for. Always a good way to judge the market.

stevo2, Feb 25, 12:51am
Also are they cambelt or chain!
cheers stevo

stevo2, Feb 25, 1:23am
Ok, I just found out they are cambelt
Cheers Stevo

vr4_legnum, May 25, 5:04am
I would say around $6500-$7000 as seem as other auto ones go for.