Sending bank details for car payment!

rpee, Jan 8, 3:41am
A guy rang me from Dubai,he's a kiwi working there & has seen my car for sale on trademe & is back in the country on Friday.He wanted to make a deal on the phone so we did. he wants my bank details to deposit a small amount to seal the deal. Does this sound dodgy or is their anyway for him to withdraw funds from my bank using my details!

a.woodrow, Jan 8, 3:42am
Are you kidding!

rpee, Jan 8, 3:43am
No .

a.woodrow, Jan 8, 3:44am
I wouldn't have any further contact it's obviously a scam. Otherwise tell him to pay for it in cash when he gets back on Friday

rpee, Jan 8, 3:49am
I think I'll do that. it does sound to good to be true!

gooddealz2, Jan 8, 3:51am
If you can wait until Friday so can he.

next-to-normal, Jan 8, 4:02am
hold it for him,he maybe legit,but dont do the bank a/c thing,a good idea is to have another 001 a/c for other type of transactions away from your main banking, i have one called warchest, but its empty, and im not at war, you need money to fight those battles,anyway, he may want a car when he gets back as it takes days to sort that sort of thing out when coming home,or its a scam

bitsy_boffin, Jan 8, 5:34am
"sure here are my details"
"thank you sir for your details, accidentally I have overpaid $XXXXX into your account instead of $XXXX"
"oh I see you did, I'll send it back to you"
"thank you, please send Western Union because I can not get bank account here"
"fine no problem, Western Union sent"
Bank: "sir the telegraphic transfer made to your account has been reversed"

wsd, Jan 8, 6:08am
I had a guy contact me from Malaysia who said he worked on an oil rig and he was wanting to buy a motorbike I was selling. He said he was going to be out of the country for the next couple of weeks but wanted my account details so he could pay for the bike and pick it up when he came home. His email address was from a oil company and his emails seemed legit so I gave him the details. He paid for the bike and 2 weeks later he picked it up. Since your guy made contact on the phone and if he sounded like a Kiwi then he's most likely a genuine buyer. Plenty of Kiwis working overseas for short periods and pay good money for things that will be ready for them when they arrive back home.

faa_luke, Jan 8, 6:16am
First time i've heard of the sale going through ^^ and i've seen this 'situation' many MANY times. Unless the above is someone that runs the scam haha.

rpee, Jan 8, 12:21pm
He sounded like a genuine buyer. younger guy & he did talk about getting an AA report done on it & I told him it would be a waste of time due to the age of the car.I'll go into my bank & ask a couple of questions about giving out my bank details!

smac, Jan 8, 12:46pm
I wouldn't jump to the conclusion its a scam. If he's genuine he won't have an issue waiting until Friday.

singing1, Jan 8, 12:57pm
I agree. I think the guy wants to seal the deal, as P1 said, so it wont be sold to someone else. So tell him you are happy to wait and do the deal on Friday. Let us know how you get on.

the_don_61, Jan 8, 1:33pm
I know a couple of guys from here that are working in Dubai.

They earn that much money they dont need to buy a car off trademe.

rpee, Jan 8, 2:16pm
Maybe the car I'm selling is very rear & that is what they are looking for !

kazbanz, Jan 8, 2:40pm
Look guys I sell a few vehicles to people who are overseas BUT I also have a LOT of scam e mails.
It generally doesn't take very long to work out the genuine people from the scammers.
One easy way is to ask for their nameaddress and licence number "for the paperwork"
Their reaction to that is a dead givaway about how genuine they are.
For a private person opening a bank account is pretty painless if you really want to be sure they can't suck you dry.

kiwis0, Aug 25, 9:48pm
Its a Scam.