tried to get jump start thinking it was battery, but didnt work.
starter motor!
Jan 14, 10:54pm
Dirty battery or starter connections would be first port of call.
Jan 14, 11:04pm
battery terminals clean.ok gonna have to google about starter motor lol
Jan 14, 11:11pm
how did you"test" the battery!
Jan 14, 11:13pm
If you can jump start off another battery then its a poked battery. If problem still happens check connection all the way from battery to starter motor. If all seems fine there then its a poked starter motor
Jan 14, 11:17pm
well partner tried to jump start it from his car and nothing that means its not battery I guess.
Jan 14, 11:19pm
starter solenoid
Jan 14, 11:21pm
Jump start the car again, but this time, whilst cranking, get someone to hit the starter motor with a hammer.
Jan 15, 2:37am
If you have a set of say shitty 100 amp jumper leads and are trying to start a car that needs a bit of grunt you will still get clicking even with a good battery.Do the leads get hot!
Jan 15, 2:42am
Starter motor brushes. If it clicks then chances are the solenoid would be ok.
Sep 22, 7:13am
The reason mugenb20b suggest hitting with a hammer is to either dislodge poor contact between the brushes and commutator or the solenoid contacts. One click might be the brushes. Many clicks will be the dirty solenoid contacts making and breaking.
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