husband thinks its just fuel pump, its sparking but no fuel coming out of fuel line. Nothing serious (we think/hope) but what are our rights! Will car sales pick it up & repair it, we've only had it 2 weeks. Its a 2003 mondeo, cost $8500, 150,000 on clock.
Jan 14, 11:22pm
It will depend entirely on what sort of warranty you have (if any) and the conditions of sale. Phone the dealer and ask. Dont get angry or try to be all staunch, just state the problem and enquire what they can do for you.
Jan 14, 11:24pm
Just lookin-did you buy at auction or normally! If normally then in all honesty I would already have called the dealership and told them what has hapened. You would expect them to fix the car for you given its been owned 2 weeks. LOOK PLEASE-- do yourself a BIG favour and don't go in all guns blazing. Call them tell them in a calm tone that the car has stopped and then ask them what they plan to do to rectify matters. I'd be VERY suprised if a reputable dealer would do anything else but fix it
Jan 14, 11:30pm
Cheers 40wav. We're not going to angry or staunch. Its just one of those things, he probably had no idea this would happen. Seemed like a nice guy when we dealt with him at car sales so we'll ring in the morning, its stuck in town, had to get someone to pick us up. More disappointed than angry because up until now i've always had cheap run arounds and this was like my 1st 'flash' car. Lol. Otherwise we'll just have to stump up the repairs ourselves, hubby seems to thinks its not too major so shouldn't be a huge bill to fix.
Jan 14, 11:31pm
yes kazbanz, it was a dealer.
Jan 14, 11:44pm
Hey thanx guys. Just rang him, was gonna wait til monday (didnt want to disturb him on sunday) but kaz had mentioned to do it now, he was really good, said straight away he'd send someone from the garage he deals with down 1st thing in morning to collect it & look at it.
Jan 14, 11:45pm
You may be able to hear if the fuel pump is going or not. Maybe check the fuel filter first as an easy cheap 'eliminate', and fuses for fuel pump too. Good luck.
Jan 15, 12:27am
Our 2002 mondeo wagon had a bad connection on the fuel pump plug inside the burnt out the plug completely. Had to replace the pump. Problem was that the tank had to come out as the Muppet engineers didn't line up the inspection hatch under the back seat to the tank fittings.
Jan 15, 1:27am
if you have just bought recently it the dealer should fix it for you but the last thing you want is people with no experiance looking at it fiddiling with things. ring the dealer and let him sort it, he will not pay for some one elses problem if they have caused it by fiddiling, ie you may have a fuel issue but an inexperianced person may try getting on in there a break off a fitting, who pays for that. unfortunatly you should. leave it and ring him and give him a chance to sort it at the earliest time he can (monday morning). im just putting this out there as over xmas a customer of mine (dealer) had sold a car and a few weeks later the check light came on and the car buyers husbands brothers mothers cousin thought all you had to do was earth out the oxy snesor wires and it will go out, unfortunatly he stuffed the sensor, blew the engine fuse and the car wouldnt go. i got the car, fixed the fuse and replaced the oxy sensor (at car buyers cost) and found the original issue and fixed it for about 100 dollars ( car buyers bill was over $370 thanks to mister fiddly fingers)
Jan 15, 2:36am
It's easy to check for fuel pressure on the mondeo. It has a valve on the rail that you can push in an fuel comes out.
Jan 15, 3:10am
Hate friggin Mondeo`s good luck with your 1st flash car. Personally i would rather a old school skoda (1970s) than a mondeo
Jan 15, 3:18am
Well done being reasonable and not an a-hole. People are much more helpful that way. Anyone who goes in ranting like a loony often gets people's back up immediately and gets no help.
Jan 15, 2:26pm
Now HERES what happens when a buyer treats the dealer like another hi=uman being. I bet the car is being fixed as we speak. -thats fantastic news.
Jan 15, 2:34pm
Hey bae--Um yours is "the perfect world" -Not criticising you but the dealer got lucky there, More likely senario "Hey bro the cars not going"My brothers sisters auntys cousin had a look at it.Get it to the workshop and "ohh no nobody touched it" "it just stopped going" is the usual response.
Jan 15, 5:55pm
Yea kaz, we left the car at the inlaws last night & mother inlaw rang to say they picked it up at 9.30 this morning! And man reckoned it'll be ready tonight! I'm super pleased & will promote this car sales to anyone in southland looking at cars! Salesman & hubby were even have a wee chuckle on phone when hubby rang last night, coz when we bought it I commented on it being a 'ford' but i'll still wear holden jacket when i drive it, so when hubby rang to say its not going, salesman laughed & said your missus will be saying thats coz its a ford! And yes fordcrzy, hubby looked at some fuel valve thingee by the rail & noted no fuel was coming thru, hence the reason he thinks its just the fuel pump. He also took a spark plug thingee off & checked for spark, which there was plenty of.
Jan 15, 7:14pm
Take it back to them, they will fix it for you for Free
Sep 23, 9:47am
Sorry to say but the ever reliable Telstar was replaced by the Mondao for some reason.
Does not have the same reputation
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