Importing car from the US

johnston, Mar 7, 1:21am
Can anyone recommend an agency/dealer who will organise everything from pickup to delivery to shipping company!

Many thanks.

mrmann, Mar 7, 2:04am
We Used Kiwi shipping when we bought in our car they can arrange door to door shipping if you want

johnston, Mar 7, 2:05am
Thanks. What sort of car if I may ask.

neo_psy, Mar 7, 2:16am
Jas Jenners out at the airport have a good name in the industry for it.

mrmann, Mar 7, 2:18am
anon running 1949 plymouth convertible

mrmann, Mar 7, 2:19am
What you looking at importing!

johnston, Mar 7, 3:06am
Late model Mustang but could be persuaded otherwise.

mrmann, Mar 7, 3:16am
If you looking at mustangs may pay to look local first as local prices are the lowest in a long time log on to the mustang forums and boards you may grab a bargain But No promises Personally I prefer The 70s torino

johnston, Mar 7, 3:17am
Yes I noticed that but I'm looking at a 2008/10 job. Probably heresy to you car folk.

mrmann, Mar 7, 3:21am
at the end of the day it your money So waste it on what youwant and enjoy it See I love my 71 torino Convertible

mrmann, Mar 7, 3:25am
Did you if you own for longer than six months in states you wont need to convert it. But that was a couple of years ago may have changed

johnston, Mar 7, 12:09pm
Hey, that's a nice car. Wouldn't mind one myself.

tgray, Mar 7, 12:59pm
Be careful. Many mustangs/corvettes don't meet the new rules.
must be 3 out of 4.
1. manufactured less than 20,000 p/year. (average mustang,is no)
2. must be classic or collectible as defined my a major motoring publication (again no, as a mass produced, late model Ford is not classic or collectible)).
3. must be a high performance two door coupe (yes)
4. must not be manufactured in right hand drive (yes).
That's only 2 out of 4.
The average mustang/corvette doesn't qualify.
There are loopholes however, so pays to research thoroughly.

fordkiwi27, Mar 7, 1:11pm
would have toto be a shelby,possibly a gt im picking

ntalke, Mar 7, 1:13pm
You have someone that has a good reputation in your own backyard
Up Whakamaramara

johnston, Mar 7, 2:31pm
Thanks for that. Yes, I think I'd rather pay a professional to explore the options. I am thinking the 2 door convertible.

How much does a r/h conversion cost anyway!

mrmann, Mar 7, 4:02pm
check out wsv but looking at least 20k for a good proably nearer 30 for a perfect cant tell one

johnston, Mar 7, 4:28pm
Ah, that takes the shine of that idea. LHD compliant it is then.

tgray, Mar 7, 4:29pm
About 25-30k, so best to find one that meets the new rules.
eg/ a 1997 corvette qualifies, as they made only 9700 that year.
a 1998 corvette also does, providing the build date (on drivers door edge) says it was built in 1997.
People get caught out by this. Remember it is build date, not date of registration.

karmadog, Mar 7, 5:10pm
Dont know yet, but im doing the same thing in the future with my dad

johnston, Mar 7, 6:28pm
Cheers tgray.

lookoutas, Jun 29, 2:54am
If you want a younger than 20 year Mustang it practically needs to be a Shelby to comply. GT would be dicey.