Well he hit the nail on the head with that summary. Perfect indeed. Now who wants to post this in general.
Mar 10, 2:34am
Only got one thing to edit--when she hands him a wrench, make sure it's the right one!
Tools are named for their function or size.
DON'T give him a 5/8 AF when he asks for a 12mm.
DON'T give him a pipe wrench when he asks for a longnose plier.
IF he asks for a "10mm, 1/2" drive socket, on a 12" extension, on the reversing ratchet, FOR HIS SANITY, AND YOUR VIRGINITY'S SAKE, do NOTgive him a hacksaw.
Learn these lessons, and others, and your lovelife WILL surpass all understanding .
Jul 5, 6:06pm
theres the problemJEEP
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