johnd_2, May 5, 12:57am
Does anyone have, or know where I can get, the fake wood-grain trim for the centre console please! I'm not sure of the year, however it will be '94 to '96 I think. I have a photo of the part & can email it if required.

unideck, May 5, 1:48am
e-bay have kits listed. Think the 4x4 wrecker in Onehunga will also be able to help, they are on Selwyn street from memory ;)

bubbles52, May 5, 5:18am
i have those on a wrecked cherokee

toyboy3, May 5, 5:30am
there is a cherokee at pick a part middlemore

johnd_2, May 5, 9:34am
Many thanks unideck, I'll follow that up.

johnd_2, May 5, 9:36am
Hi bubbles52. That's great, how do I contact you! [I'm new at the community noticeboard stuff] Do you have a grey console as well, mines got holes in it.

johnd_2, May 5, 9:37am
Hello toyboy3. Thanks for your help, I'll give them a call.

johnd_2, May 6, 2:30am
Hi bubbles52. Do the rules of "Notice Board" allow you to give me a contact number or something so I can talk to you about the console trim! I'd also like to know if you have a grey console in good condition please.