went out about noon in car and we had bad surface flooding.one intersection was deeper than thought and splashed right up both sides of car and seemed deep.then couple hours later went to go out again and got down road and when changed gears car cut out.re started and seems to be lacking power and cut out again.limped home in first gear and we have steep driveway and it cut out halfway up.so rolled back down and left out on roadside.could this all possibly be from water getting thru engine!
Jan 21, 10:08pm
water spray on your engine electric,s. if injected the air flow meter,s dont like water at all.
Oct 15, 12:48pm
check your air filter. If it is wet then bad news possibly. If it is dry then it could be a matter of taking off each and every electronic connector block and spraying it with electrical contact cleaner to dispel the moisture.
The cars computer works out everything basically based on signals it receives from the sensors and a little water can screw with that process quite easily if in the wrong connector block.
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