We have a Toyota caldina 4wd & live on a rough gravel road. It's a good car only we have ongoing issues with the suspension, shocks and now bushes. We have decided it's time to move on from a car and get something more suited to the road. What can anyone recommend for this! We do a lot of kms on the open road as we live hours away from family & the city. Daily we prob do 40km on gravel. We have 2 kids under 6yrs. We could possibly spend up to 30k but only if we could get a newer model so we don't have the same ongoing maintenance issues that we have had for the last 4 yrs with this car. The mechanic suggested a Toyota prado. Any thoughts!
Jan 26, 7:52pm
A grader
Jan 26, 7:59pm
I have a Caldina 4WD and I don't find it excellent on gravel. I have replaced wheel bearings, sway bar bushes and rear shocks and it handles okay on tarmac. For gravel, get the Subaru WRX.
Jan 26, 8:20pm
any vehicle will suffer suspension problems on gravel roads. Caldina are old cars now so it probably would have had worn out some of that naturally . Shockabsorber tyres and bushes and balljoints will go bust on any car on gravel roads. Buy a grader and grade the road every 3 weeks your self and you should have loads less problems. or simply drive less on the road if you wish less problems.
Jan 26, 8:25pm
with tyres you can buy Light-truck-tyres if they exist so they dont get delaminated from the rocks pounding of the gravel road . Worst tyres are bridgestone -firestone, these dilaminate and desintigrate real fast on gravel and boulge dangerously . so the only advantage a 4x4 like a prado has its got bigger more solid tyres and heavy shocks you can fit on these but The tyres are loads more expensive . joints and bushes will get rooted no matter what.
Jan 26, 8:43pm
Mate bought a car years ago that was awesome on gravel roads. Soaked up the pot holes real well. Waded through the creek no worries going up his long rural driveway. OK, the alternator stopped charging because it was full of silt, but hey. Lada Niva.
Jan 26, 10:23pm
Prado sounds ideal for you! sure the tyres are expensive but they do last well and the rest of the vehicle will be up to it no problems. dont even compare it with a car, shocks etc wont be a problem they are built to last!
Jan 26, 10:53pm
Thanks for your replies!
Jan 26, 11:19pm
Ford Territory4WD
Jan 26, 11:40pm
You want something that has a separate ladder frame chassis, like a Prado. So, not a bad choice, but it is an expensive vehicle when it comes to maintenace and running costs. If you have a bit more money, try and get a 100 Series Toyota Landcruiser.
Jan 26, 11:41pm
No, too many problems.
Jan 27, 4:19am
I had a rvr turbo years ago and i alway felt safe on gravel road in it .
Jan 27, 4:47am
Yea big 4x4 is what you want, no doubt about it.
Jan 27, 5:20am
BDA Escort.
Jan 27, 5:21am
Model 'T' Ford
Jan 27, 5:28am
Where do you come up with such awesome advice! Hey maybe they could buy a quarry too and re-lay the road surface, better yet they could pay to have the road sealed. Or as you suggested just stay at home and never go out that'll sort it!
Jan 27, 5:30am
lol, the road would have no gravel left on it
Nov 5, 6:16pm
Cortina or escort lol. Flat tack foot to the floor
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