This car has no springs?

illusion_, Mar 14, 4:34am
torsion bar suspension

sandypheet, Mar 14, 4:36am
I am sure I saw that same car on a trailer between Rotorua and Tauranga back road today,at least it is the same colour,looked just like the pics.

johnf_456, Mar 14, 4:39am
This answers the ops question how! lol

ginga4lyfe, Mar 14, 4:40am
Apparently those 2cv were a concept car that survived the war, was designed before the war, and was only made and released after it, it also apparently continued to be in production until 1992!Most likely making it the longest lasting production car!!

mgmad, Mar 14, 4:41am
3rd in masters class at Ellerslie Concours! I don't recall seeing it there, this year or last year. (
tml) No doubting it is a very tidy car though

richardmayes, Mar 14, 4:43am
It's a wonderful wide world out there, don't be blinkered by the same-ness of Japanese engineering!

Morris Minors and some Hondas have torsion bars, Minis had little lumps of rubber, BMC1300s had hydraulic suspension, and all sorts of cars have had air or gas systems.

carmedic, Mar 14, 4:50am
No it has two horizontal coil springs, one each side, the front and back wheel each side share it.

illusion_, Jul 18, 11:04am
I stand corrected. Well done.

Though on reading up about them it sounds like the most complicated setup I could imagine. Torsion bars would have been far better IMHO.ën_2CV