What is this car please?

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ambo11, Mar 14, 1:03am
I reckon a pommy Jag from late 40s early 50s.lol

afer_daily, Mar 14, 1:04am
Jaguar! /but it looks like it has push button door handles .

joybells63, Mar 14, 1:05am
Thank you. that was all I could capture of this gleaming beauty as my husband shot past it. you can see clouds and road markings in the body.

afer_daily, Mar 14, 1:10am
Ambo 11 you might be right looking at what you can see of the hubcaps .

ambo11, Mar 14, 1:12am
To me the guards/headlights scream Jag.but its probably a Riley or something else.lol

ambo11, Mar 14, 1:16am

ambo11, Mar 14, 1:18am
Nah.totally different rear door swages.

joybells63, Mar 14, 1:18am
hubby says it was not this car.

richardmayes, Mar 14, 1:23am
Jaguar Mk 5.

mr_lovebug, Mar 14, 1:24am
I 2nd that,above link is nothing like the 1st post.

Still think that it is a 20's to 30's era car.

artsouth111, Mar 14, 1:24am
it is a jag late 40s , you can see one on google images .type in vintage jaguar.

artsouth111, Mar 14, 1:27am

artsouth111, Mar 14, 1:33am

skin1235, Mar 14, 1:34am
it's pom, I think you'll find it is a Daimler consort, most of the others had gone to push button doors, and the daimler was also the last to lose the 'suicide doors' ( front doors hinged on B pillar, another typical daimler trait was the pronounced angle/ridge along the front guards

skin1235, Mar 14, 1:42am
and if it is, I wonder if it still has the original jacking system in it, they had 4 worm jacks built into the body, the gear was operated by a light chain and could be done from inside of the vehicle

richardmayes, Mar 14, 1:50am
Car in the OP's photo has a bright metal trim with the door handles built into it, and that trim curves down to meet the top of the rear wheel guard.

Daimler Consort doesn't have a metal trim there, and the coach line where its door handles are passes far above the top of the rear guard.

Also the Daimler's front guards don't flow through to the rear, with running board treads on them like the OP's car has.

skin1235, Mar 14, 1:53am
xraps pic fills the bill, running board tread and all,nice bit 'o' tin whatever she is

artsouth111, Mar 14, 1:58am
it is this model , if you compare photos ,running board ,all body etc and even the aeiral on the side ,and the doors and handles match ,as well as the ribs in the body , hope photo is clear enough ,

jmma, Mar 14, 2:04am
Yes, 1950 MK V Jag

cuda.340, Mar 14, 2:10am
Sidney Armstrong.

woody1946, Mar 14, 2:16am
Was the car either coming or going to Napier!

sw20, Mar 14, 2:31am
You mean Armstrong Siddeley.

Its not a Sapphire or Star Sapphire as they don't have the runners like the pic in #1. The Whitley's and Hurricanes don't have covered rear wheels.

cowboy110, Mar 14, 3:17am
Closest so far.

movnon, Mar 14, 3:19am
xraps ( #20 ) is right.The only difference is the side mounted arial in joybells photo

socram, Mar 14, 3:14pm
Totally agree.Mk V Jaguar.(Sorry, only just found this thread!.)