sitting in a vacant lot next to my house. carjam has it listed as a mercedes (which i already knew) but the model was listed as unknown. upon further inspection it appears to be a 190sl. the chrome appears to be in relatively good knick, but the body will require some decent work to be done on it. rego came back as a 1953 model. and engine turns over by hand. is this kinda car worth restoring! i have access to ample mercedes parts at will. but if i were to restore and sell, is it worth the time and effort!
Jan 23, 1:04am
Just because it's sitting on a vacant lot undercover doesn't mean it doesn't have an owner.
Jan 23, 1:05am
bound to be worth something to someone, but you need to prove ownership!
Jan 23, 1:07am
i know who owns it. the original owner bought it new, parked them up in 1997 on the lot and passed away a short while later, his family who inherited them with the deceased estate have offered me them for a small fee.
Jan 23, 1:59am
You don't say whether it's a hard or soft top but either way it would be worth heaps when restored. Trouble is, how much would it cost you (ie how bad is it!)
Jan 23, 2:14am
1953 190sl restored is worth good money, but the cost of restoring it might set you back a dollar or seven.
Jan 23, 2:30am
Buy Buy Buy! Well if it aint past it.
Jan 23, 2:41am
the car is a hardtop. rust is in. bottom of windscreen, bottom of doors, drivers floorpan, drivers sill, both front wheel arches, passenger side rear wheel arch and above rear screen. rego is lapsed by 14 years, but who cares. its a classic.
i personally think its easily restorable. the interior doesnt look half bad. seats could do with a good clean up or possibly a recover. carpet however has had it
Jan 23, 2:51am
It would be the sex once done. Big labour of love. But so rewarding.
Jan 23, 2:53am
yea, im a big fan of old mercs, last one i did was a 55 mercedes 219 roundie. took 6 months to build. unfortunately the bosses mate backed into it with a towtruck and ended that restoration prematurely
Jan 23, 1:16pm
sounds worth a punt, esp if you have the time and skills, if only to stop it rotting away. Whether you would make any money on it is a completely different issue.
Jan 23, 2:05pm
It would be a very big job to do well and it would have to be done right to do a car like that justice. Buying the correct oe patch panels will cost a lot (even the shipping for them is expensive). Buy it, do the minimum to it to get it clean, moveable (new tyres etc) and running (engine not seized so just petrol and electrics) and sell it for $$ gain to someone who??
Jan 23, 2:21pm
Turn it into a historic racecar
Jan 23, 2:33pm
i prefer a mint original. old cars like this deserve to be restored to factory.
Jan 23, 2:51pm
yeah but there comes a point where it is not worth restoring. I had an old Beemer once was gonna cost far more than it was worth to restore, but was a viable project as a Targa rally car.
Jan 23, 5:26pm
Haha, do up an old car to make money
Jan 23, 5:34pm
yes, and! its not an impossible task, ive done it several times. but its not just about the money. i like older cars and something like this i think would be a worthwhile project. i havent seen one around in a very long time
Jan 23, 6:15pm
sounds like you'll regret it for ever if you don't give it a go! :)
Jan 23, 6:16pm
^^^ yep, there's your answer.
Jan 23, 6:27pm
yea, i guess so. whats the harm! and at the end of the day, im sure a merc enthusiast or club member would show a keen interest once its done.
Jan 23, 7:40pm
Nah the 190SL is rubbish, I'll give you $250 for it.
Jan 23, 7:59pm
you can have a badge for $250
Jan 23, 9:55pm
190SL's were not made until 1955,so year or model must be wrong.
Jan 23, 10:39pm
The most interesting part is you mentioned "them" How many are there!
Jan 24, 1:55am
sorry, they are 55's and there are 3 of them
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