Yes. Provided they have not opted out. Same way as usual. $2.30 and ID at an NZTA Agent, like Post Shop.
Jan 24, 3:55pm
Not when I tried a few weeks ago. Post shop and VTNZ can no longer do it. They both suggested I call the NZTA direct, but I highly doubt they would giver such info over the phone.
Jan 24, 4:01pm
Use Carjam. You'll have to register and pay of course.
.and you'll get turned down. To get name and/or address you now need to be a party approved by the MOT.
Jan 24, 8:49pm
If you just want to confirm ownership, then this is free, you will need plate number and at least the EXACT first and last name of the purported owner.
I don't remember it being totally locked down after the opt-out system was put in place, but I'll defer to the better knowledge of the posters above (but say that perhaps check with the post office anyway because as far as I remember, if you haven't opted out [and hardly any would be I imagine]. and you know how consistent post offices are in knowing their own services)
Oct 27, 10:59am
Ya confirmation is still possible.
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