I tried easy start down carby. no fire.so I think problem is electrical what would be the obvious reason car won't fire!I think maybe coil, but how to check! TIA
Jan 24, 10:23pm
1. Check cambelt, make sure the cam is turning when cranking the engine. 2. If above is OK, check for spark at the end of any of the 4 HT leads that go to the spark plugs. Remove the lead, stick a screwdriver up its bum and hold its shaft 5 mm away from any metal part of the engine, and get someone to crank the key. Do not hold the shaft of the screwdriver, only the handle.
Jan 24, 10:47pm
ok camshaft is turning, has spark.Hmmm anything else I can check!
Jan 24, 10:52pm
Ignition timing.
Also check if the plugs are fouled up/wet/dry after cranking
Jan 24, 11:16pm
Any other suggestions!
Jan 24, 11:18pm
Pull the plugs first. (All of them)
Jan 24, 11:19pm
There isn't many other suggestions. Check the FACTS -
Fuel, Air, Compression, Timing, Spark.
Have all 5 it will go
Jan 24, 11:47pm
Was anything done to the engine recently!
Jan 25, 12:49pm
If it has spark and fuel, check the compression.
How strong is the spark! Big and fat is good.(as the actress said to the bishop).
When was the car last running!
Jan 25, 10:25pm
It has spark so it should go I know it is an obvious question but is it getting any fuel
Jan 25, 10:28pm
You said you tried easy start ,so am assuming it has carb and it has plenty of spark so that makes the most obvious fault to be a blocked main jet in the carb
Jan 26, 12:55am
It would have fired on the easy start, so that rules out that doesn't it!
Jan 26, 12:59am
got spark so dizzy is turning, now you have to check compression and timing, if it has slipped a few teeth on the belts ( and telstar were prone to rip a few off especially if you manage to cop a gravel chip in the wrong place) it will all be going round and round but no longer at the right place right time
Jan 26, 1:33am
Obviously, 'myrns' decided to chuck it in the too hard basket and not bother any more.
Jan 26, 1:36am
cheap 89 telstar coming up soon ya reckon mugen, may need new valves and a cam belt
Jan 26, 1:44am
I hope so.
Jan 26, 1:58am
OK guys I got the old girl started after charging battery for an hour or so then put on jumperleads from my other car, took awhile to start but fired up after holding foot flat to floor, I think the car maybe flooding itself easily and running rich, just cannot understand why it did not fire up on easy start!Seems to fire up ok now but it is rough for a few seconds then runs sweet as, may get a tune up done in the next couple of weeks.
Jan 26, 2:04am
bugga, all that trouble for a stuffed float level and needle valve
Nov 2, 6:07am
Well done. If it was flooding, easy start wouldn't have helped. Also don't forget; a spark at the HT leads doesn't allways mean a spark on the plug. (I've even had a case when I had a spark on plug but not when fitted. Suppressor caps were failing under load) Also pulling the plugs allows you to smell the combustion chamber for fuel etc. as well as condition of plugs tells you what's going on.
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