Honda CR250 2001

jaydan1, Jan 27, 12:06am
Has anyone here done a bottom end rebuild! Just had HPE in chch open the crank housing and quote it. $1300 but includes really good bearings piston etc. Worth it!

hurricaneken, Jan 27, 12:11am
yes that sounds about right unless you can do it yourself, the last cr i seen that got re built was $1900 fully rebuilt.

tumekegolfer, Feb 3, 10:10pm
hello could some one tell me where i could get a brake cable from
for my 96 cr250 cheers

plasticboys, Feb 3, 10:13pm
there is no way in hell l would ever pay that kind of money

r15, Feb 4, 1:21am
think about email being electronic mail, and then think about what they might call an electronic bay.

ralphdog1, Feb 4, 1:28am

quickbuck, Dec 8, 2:48pm
No, estuary.