How do you make a blue car go fast?

woody1946, Mar 19, 2:44am
Paint it silver

johnf_456, Mar 19, 2:45am
^ I thought you paint it red for speed. Ferrari is red so you paint it red.

200sx, Mar 19, 4:32am
Put neons on it.

peejeles, Mar 19, 4:48am
a crane cams sticker on the back window makes 200 more hp

ml6989, Mar 19, 4:59am
Fit it with hi spec Johnson rods.

stevel_knievel, Mar 19, 5:09am

jmma, Mar 19, 5:12am
We used to shave 5 thou off the ign key, that works (o:

ralphdog1, Mar 19, 5:13am
Nah, inferior waste of time.
Jupiter rings are the answer, especially the Goring link versions

m4r5h411, Mar 19, 5:22am
$1 RES

thejazzpianoma, Mar 19, 5:27am
Electric Turbo, $39,95

thejazzpianoma, Mar 19, 5:29am
Which reminds me.

What happened to the blue car!
It blue up

What happened to the wooden car!
It wooden work

What happened to the Steel car!
It steel wouldnt work

Gee I loved primary school!

ginga4lyfe, Mar 19, 5:33am
paint it like the GULF gt40

movnon, Mar 19, 5:44am
rub all the blue paint off - the weight reduction should make an increase in speed (until the rust sets in, then the extra turbulence will create drag & the car will turn red)!

3tomany, Mar 19, 6:02am
put team vodafone on it

3tomany, Mar 19, 6:04am
dam that didnt work red made it slower just give it some jimbeam

townie55, Mar 19, 10:54am
What if it is a Gulf GT40!

To make a car go faster, you lower the seats - so you can only just see over the dash.

whqqsh, Mar 19, 12:35pm
wait until the wind blues from behind instead of blueing in the front. or maybe get some hair gel, a facial, manicure & drive towards Eden Park pretending to be in the Auckland Blues

drog, Mar 19, 3:12pm
You forgot the hi-lift spark plugs.

big.b-lil.c, Mar 19, 4:34pm
for a real power increase shove a leaf blower up the intake

elect70, Mar 19, 6:51pm
Black is faster , it absorbs heat & forms a heat layer above the car that allows it to cut down on drag .

nutslap, Aug 6, 2:58am
Put a black bonnet on it,that seems to be the in thing,MUST make them go faster coz it sure as hell dont look better