Skyline Megameet in Timaru this Saturday, 19th!

mustang-man, Mar 15, 4:30am!f=16&t=3547
Dunedin and lower south peeps are meeting up between 7:45am and 8:15am at the end of the One Way North (Gt King St), on that wee road on the left that goes to Willowbank Fire Station (see map in link above).

Timaru Skyline/Stagea/Cefiro/Laurel etc owners can meet us at Caroline Bay at 11am.

And Christchurch owners meet up at the Rolleston BP Connect service station (corner Main South Road & Tennyson Street, Rolleston) between 8:30am to 9:00am.
Please spread the word, we want this to be a big Skyline meet!

mustang-man, Mar 17, 4:44am

mustang-man, Mar 19, 2:32am
Well its tomorrow, so hopefully see some of you Skyline etc owners there. :)

bash, Aug 4, 6:47am
all you need now is 2 bombs to blow the shit up