Skumpta car

gadgetman, Mar 18, 4:33pm
Talking about Molvania, here is the website:
Might be a new tourist destination!

intrade, Mar 18, 4:37pm
dumb question but how does a3 stroke engine work lol.

budgel, Mar 18, 4:57pm
Inlet, exhaust and a stroke of luck whether it works.

gadgetman, Nov 2, 6:01am
A pride of Molvania. Has anyone seen that car on the road!

gadgetman, Nov 2, 2:53pm
They are quite rare.

boxburger, Nov 2, 3:42pm
I discovered a car with the same name as me the other day. A mate sent me a slide show of little cars, I'd heard of very few of the marques.

gadgetman, Nov 5, 10:14pm
I is based on Trabant.

modie61, Nov 5, 10:16pm
I like it.

ct9a, Nov 5, 11:42pm
3 stroke.!

thejazzpianoma, Nov 5, 11:44pm
And all this time I just thought you just had a truck named after you.

(oh that's cringeworthily bad)

ema1, Aug 2, 9:09am
And you're out .ha ha couldn't help myself.Good job that they are rare, hopefully they stay that way.