WOF less than 1 month old when buying a used car?

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cubey, May 28, 12:57pm
Hi all, just a quick question.

Im looking at buying a used car off trademe and ive heard about this new < 1month wof rule. If the seller does not state the car comes with a new warrant, would I be within my rights to request a new warrant If I was the winning bidder! Ive read a bit about it online and they say unless the buyer agrees in writing that it is not getting a new 1, it must come with a < 1 month old warrant.

Looking forward to some help/input! :)

jason18, May 28, 1:01pm
Request it before you buy the car as once you have won it its yours. I dont think it applies to private sellers either, Kaz or similar should know more and correct if im wrong

cubey, May 28, 1:10pm
Just had a quick look on consumer.org.nz and NZTA website and I think it does apply to private sellers. Also heres a copy paste from the AA website:

"Warrant of Fitness

Any car sold by a dealer must have a current (less than one month old) warrant of fitness. The same applies for private sellers, unless you the buyer agree in writing. More information can be found on the NZ Transport Agency website."

jason18, May 28, 1:15pm
Oh good stuff. Unless its stated in auction they are selling it as is (then you agree to buy it as is by winning the auction) Request the seller gets a wof before you buy

patxyz, May 28, 1:22pm
Be aware though, if you demand new warrants,you may find yourself blacklisted and if you do it after listing closes, a red face and told to get stuffed.

cubey, May 28, 1:24pm
Not sure when this rule came in, but I think it would protect alot of buyers that could be potentially buying someone elses repair bill.

Do I need to request the seller gets a new wof before the auction ends! Or can I ask him afterwards! Reason I ask is seller may not have the money to fix any potential problems and It could just come off the purchase price!

Anywho Im going to nap for a few hours, hopefully someone knows more about this then I do, just learning about buying and selling cars now :)

cubey, May 28, 1:25pm
If a seller did blacklist me for asking for a new warrant, it would seem very sus, especially if the warrant was due very soon!

jason18, May 28, 1:25pm
Ask before as once you win the auction you own the car and when selling a car nothing pisses ya off more than requesting work done to the car after they have already won the auction

patxyz, May 28, 1:26pm
Courtesy says you ask before listing ends

trader_84, May 28, 2:04pm
Agree. And IMHO its common sense and also the buyer is protecting his/her own interests by outlining then insisting on compliance on all things discussed and agreed upon prior to paying for the vehicle. Asking for a new (newish) WOF from a reputable source would of been par for course in my books when buying a vehicle unseen in person. Refusal by the seller to meet this requirement would ring alarm bells. 'Not enough time blah blah blah .' bullshit.

poppajn, May 28, 5:44pm
Only way it can be sold without is "As is Where is"

pandai, May 28, 6:03pm
Alternatively, you can do what I have done

Take the car for a warrant yourself, just ask for "inspection only", it's a pretend WOF check

crzyhrse, May 28, 6:09pm

crzyhrse, May 28, 6:13pm
In summary: the 1 month WoF applies to EVERYONE EQUALLY, be they an RMVT or a private seller, unless agreed otherwise.

peter148, May 29, 1:18am
If the seller still has the previous WOF checklist you can check the odometer reading and see how much use the car has had since the last warrant.

Otherwise if you are a car seller and have a car advertised for several months before you sell it you are gonna have to fork out $35 or or every once to renew the warrant.

im_andrew, May 29, 1:23am
Or just get it a WOF once you find an interested buyer.

nickr, Jun 21, 2:37am
No look, the law says the seller must ensure that it has a warrant under a month old. If you get there with the cash and the warrant does not comply then it is the seller that is trying to break the law. It should not come as a surprise to the seller if you insist on him getting a new warrant. Many of you are postulating that the seller would be surprised at needing a warrant. The need for a warrant under one month old has been the law for 40 years or more, it's well known and not rocket science.

johnf_456, Jun 21, 2:48am
Correct as in "as where is" etc

crzyhrse, Jun 21, 5:26am
Read the link in post #13.

crzyhrse, Jun 21, 5:29am
Not sufficient. Must be specific.

smac, Jun 21, 3:14pm
Agree with Kazbanz - ask upfront about the warrant. If he blacklists you, or in any other way dodges the issue, walk away. Plenty of other cars out there, no need to be dealing with twats like that. A good price will in no way make up for the potential hassles.

3tomany, Jun 21, 3:20pm
it concernes me more that you dont seem to have a vir report because if you did you would know the state of the wof. dont buy privatly without a vir

johnf_456, Jun 21, 4:20pm
Totally kazbanz and smac.

nickr, Jun 23, 1:21am
The exception is very narrow, the default position is that you must supply a wof under a month old.

staceys3, Jun 30, 2:39am
Wow theres alot of Idiots on this thread, and if anyone tried to pull this on me after an auction ended youd get told exactly where to stick your new wof!
All your going to achieve by persuing it is pushing up the cost of all second hand vehicles. Most sellers will sell a non reg/wof vehicle for alot cheaper, but if buyers are demanding a new wof then expect to pay the corrosponding price.
What if the seller genuinely cannot afford to fix the vehicle to wof standards (often the reason non legal vehicles are sold). Will also make it difficult for people selling projects or accident damaged vehicles.
At the end of the day hopefully most people are smart enought to asses the condition of a vehicle prior to sale and this retarded "law" is left for the anal retentive geriatric's buying Toyota Pruis'