Whats happened to motoring?

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skin1235, Jun 23, 5:13am
I'm always generous with me sizes, and 8 more won't hurt much, maybe me arms are shorter than I realise

snoopy221, Jun 23, 5:13am
End of the day don't EVER tell me me drags are 2 deep-if she's sharp she"l just WORK

skin1235, Jun 23, 5:15am
but bringin home the chips as kindling wasn't part of the bargain

skin1235, Jun 23, 5:16am
wonder if cowboy has clicked what we're on abart yet, lol

snoopy221, Jun 23, 5:18am
bringin home the chips as kindling
benches make sawdust.LOL

sr2, Jun 23, 5:19am
Only 30 inches, don't get me on the subject of "Sal from Silverdale" again!

skin1235, Jun 23, 5:20am
I reckon I could take the handle off her and repower the hilux

johnf_456, Jun 23, 5:21am
Enjoying the drinking snoopy221!

snoopy221, Jun 23, 5:22am
"Sal from Silverdale"
sr2 we ain't talkin boot blowies.LOL
Only naturaly aspirated machines

snoopy221, Jun 23, 5:23am
haeven't been called that in yonks.
your point is!

sr2, Jun 23, 5:24am
With large twin choke's of course.

johnf_456, Jun 23, 5:24am
Thats your trading name (yes I am polite), I asked if you were enjoying the drinking (well assume you are based on the posts)! Rambling lots!

skin1235, Jun 23, 5:24am
now I'm off for the night, goggle maps tells me it is 208 mts from where I leave the bike to where the first trap is, 640ft higher though, and tomorrow is an early start ( I need all the time I can get to climb hills like that), and then I've gotta come down again afta

snoopy221, Jun 23, 5:27am
Perhaps i should! extrapolate for the benefit of poster johnf_456
Having known personaly steven(skin1235) to you for a few years.
He was in need of a longer chainsaw bar and chain.
My chainsaws WORK .I.E. the depth drags on the chains are taken down lower than most would.
This means the saw can REALLY DELIVER

skin1235, Jun 23, 5:32am
lower than most would, this things got shiny marks on the side rails where the drags were, it's got more drag than carmen, bites like an irate rottie, but if you tickle her properly she sings like a siren, can spit it out and not choke while still suckin herself through a 40 inch like a rabbid schoolgirl on heat, a quick tickle to the backside and she just rolls out like a !

skin1235, Jun 23, 5:33am
I think I need sleep

snoopy221, Jul 18, 6:59am
wait till i get plod on the case and get the ole 66 cc back with the rip chain on er.
then ya'll see lowered drags pal.