Couple of questions about buying 2nd hand car

jolouise2, Jun 20, 3:53am
I am looking at a car, has a warrant from an AA testing station, but they don't have the form. Is it possible for me to ask the testing station for a copy! And, what is the best online place to check vehicle history! Thanks in advance.

thunderbolt, Jun 20, 4:00am
The WOF form will only tell you if the vehicle met certain safety requirements on the day the car was checked.

The only way to find out how good the car is will be to have it inspected.

msigg, Jun 20, 4:01am
you as not being the owner, may not be able to retrieve this information, there is usually a hard copy around. carjam is one site that gives a vehicle history. if in doubt get your own assesment inspection services!

flybye_in_a_rx7, Jun 20, 4:18pm
if your that worried get a proper check done on it by a mechanic you trust otherwise aa. wof doesnt tell you that much really. although neither do those checks sometimes but hey its a bit of piece of mind for you. i would prefer to take a mechanic friend (if possible) with me to look at the car

jolouise2, Jun 20, 7:35pm
Thank you, no I am not being sneaky. I asked owner (dealer) for a copy and he doesn't have it. I asked the seller if it was okay for me to try and ask at the testing station. I am just trying to do my homework as we are buying it from Auckland and live in a different city. We have viewed it and taken it for a testdrive but my husband and I are not mechanically minded at all. Thanks for helpful answers.

jolouise2, Jun 20, 8:18pm
Thank you, it has been previously owned in NZ, but I wanted to view the WOF form incase there were a lot of repairs. Is a mechanical inspection different to a WOF!

tigra, Jun 20, 9:52pm
If you have a good relationship with your garage sometimes they will tell you if there is something you need to do for the next one but usually its things like tyres or perhaps brake pads. But I would be concerned if the car sales "cannot find" the compliance report or the WoF sheet. Would tell them to find it or you wont buy.

tigra, Jul 8, 12:17pm
As for your second question try Car Jam for the history. If you look at it carefully you canpossibly work out if there were issues getting the WoF by the retesting dates.