New Car: Worth of Odo and Years gain in $$$?

utilae, Jun 18, 8:08pm
New Car: Worth of Odo and Years gain in $$$!

Hey, so let's say your old car is 100,000km odo and year 2000.And your new car is 70,000km odo and year 2005.So that's a gain of 30,000km odo and 5 years of newness!Ok, so what I'm trying to ask is what is the monetary value of odo and years.So if you sell your own car and buy a new car, can you put a money value on the amount of odo and years you have gained to determine for yourself whether you got a good deal or not.

buyme3, Jun 18, 8:09pm
bored today huh!

vtecintegra, Jun 18, 8:10pm
Simply put no you can't.

There are too many factors at work to simplify it that way

thejazzpianoma, Jun 18, 8:21pm
+1 You can apply math and make surprisingly accurate predictions with this sort of thing but not in the simple manner you are suggesting. Its more complex than that.

tuttyclan, Jun 18, 8:37pm
I take it you would keep the 2005 car for 5 years.So based on your 10,000 km a year which would bring the odometer up to 120,000 km surely you must be able to work out roughly what your 2000 car is worth now and what you will pay for a 2005 car and divide the differance by 5 years.
For example I bought my 1997 Honda accord at 6 years old (in 2003) and paid 11,000 for it.It had done 137,000 km.8 years later its probably worth around 3,000 and I have only done 70,000 km(total now 207,000 km).If I was to rush out and buy a 2005 model I would be looking at around 12 or 13,000. So based on $13,000 which is 10,000 difference to my car thats about 1,250 per year in depreciation over 8 years.I wont be updating anytime soon.
Updating cars regulary is an expensive exercise.

utilae, Jun 18, 8:48pm
Yea, a little bored :P
You're right, it doesn't get that simple.

xacoon, Jun 18, 8:55pm
depends what you class as expensive, I thought 1250 wasn't much.

ringo2, Jun 19, 12:13am
That is probably about average for a medium size car if you trade it in.

tuttyclan, Jun 30, 6:42am
Come to think of it 1,250 is not too bad,just not in a position or feel the need to update.The longer I keep it the better.
My 1982 Mitsubishi Sigmacost $ 5,500 22 years ago so I have technically lost $250 per year over 22 years but thats based on the car being worth nothing.Its probably worth at least $3,000 now so really its only really $136.36 per year lol !