Car hoist

cathair, Jun 16, 5:24am
Are there any models that are not bolted to the floor! Essentially "portable" if you had to move them you could! Our workshop is tight on space and the boss wont fork out for one if it cannot be moved to the side of the shop if we need the room to fit a larger vehicle in. A 2 post hoist would be ideal.

cuda.340, Jun 16, 5:26am
a car up in the air on a 2 post hoist not bolted to the ground! hmmmm, i a'int working under that!

cathair, Jun 16, 5:27am
4 post then!

ladatrouble, Jun 16, 6:22am
I used to have a portable full lift hoist,I could move it around the shop and even take it outside (on concrete pad). It went in from the side and still took up a fair bit of space when not in use. I forget what name,but it was Italian.

intrade, Jun 16, 4:55pm
i work under a 2 poster not bolted to the floor since 10 years lol. you got to check each time that you load it correctly or it could fall over.
its got a H type frame and chain drivenormal cars are no problem only estima enemas and vans with huge loads in the back can be a issue on the not bolted to the floor hoists.

intrade, Jun 16, 4:58pm
you cant always use a 2 poster bolted to floor. my mate rented a huge worshop and whenhe wanted to install a hoist they found it had insufficient concreet flooring to bolt a hoist to the floor is 200mm thick concreet so i could botl anything to it and drive a tank inside the shop if i need to.
thats about the size legs my hoist has.
in europe i had 3 free standing ones (zipo beisbart and hoffman.) the hofman is now here

cathair, Jun 17, 12:14am
the thing with it being bolted to the floor you can't move it right! Who sells the hofman hoists in NZ intrade!

frytime, Jun 17, 12:47am
we have 6 powerrex in floor hosits at work. good for most cars, vans. takes a bit of time to get used to them tho

cathair, Jun 17, 12:59am
Ran that option by my boss today Kaz and his response wasnt too positive when he thought about the cost of one. I get the feeling he's either going to have to bite the bullet and pay heaps for an inground one or get one thats fixed to the ground that can't be moved

intrade, Jun 17, 1:01am
no one its 35 year old made in germany dont know if the companys even exist who made it and it is 3 phase, thats another issue to look out for that you get a single phase hoist unless you got 3 phase. or you need a phase convertor.

cathair, Jun 17, 2:03am
cool thanks for that intrade ill run these by my boss tomorrow! cheers :)

singing1, Jun 24, 9:06am
Years ago the exhaust guy in Waikato hoisted his cars off the towbar with a block and tackle off a beam in the roof.probably not wise but it worked