How much does it cost to re-register a car that's

samage, Jun 17, 8:53am
plates have lapsed! tia

cheviot, Jun 17, 9:00am
differing costs for different engine sizes.

jasongroves, Jun 17, 9:05am
Age is a factor.

toyboy3, Jun 17, 9:08am
year of first reg is a factor.

samage, Jun 17, 9:13am
its a 92 bluebird. any rough ideas how much it would be!

jasongroves, Jun 17, 9:15am
Budget $600 - $1000 for any unforeseen issues.
Is it really worth it!

samage, Jun 17, 9:22am
thanks. nar just saw a cheap bluebird forsale but plates lapsed, not worth it then for all id make on it. cheers

jasongroves, Jun 24, 3:50am
What model Bluebird!
If its a cheap manual SSS or turbo model it could be worth it.
If the price is right it might even be worth wrecking.
Or buy one thats buggered with live plates and swap parts over so you have a good one.