Will this work on NZ Frequency (In-Car TV)

murdoko, Jun 1, 8:26pm

looking at making an in-car jap TV unit work on NZ via AUX in. I know i need one of these tuners, just not sure about the exact specs that is required.

they cost around 150 NZD shipped. cheap!

just needs an adapter cable and VOILA!

bill-robinson, Jun 2, 2:10am
what are you going to do with the other 99!

for_an_angel, Jun 2, 2:30am
They need to output NTSC I don't see anywhere where it says what the output is. NZ TV systems are PAL but Jap systems are NTSC. be sure what the outout is before buying 100 of these units lol

bmwnz, Jun 2, 2:52am
Did you read this part:
Minimum Order Quantity:100 Piece/Pieces

noswalg, Jun 2, 2:58am
maybe look at this instead http://www.chinavasion.com/car-accessories/cvauc91/ you'll only have to buy 1: )

murdoko, Jun 2, 3:04am
I spoke with the guy whos in charge. He said it's ok to order one for now. ;)

apparently this has been done before


you might need to log in to see the pics. works perfect in OZ

for_an_angel, Jun 2, 3:17am
How often are you parked up long enough to watch tv! If ya traveling your not going to get consistent reception. I would get a good 12v media player and play movies/music/recorded tv through it. Just my point of view though (nothing really on NZtv these days wurth pulling over for and watching.

murdoko, Jun 2, 3:40am
actually that's part of the plan, to utilise the factory LCD display. once i get a hold of an adapter cable for the 'AUX in' (It's different for every car)from

http://www.world-beatsonic.com/video/ get an RCA switchboard from Jaycar or somewhere similar, plug in the TV receiver and media player, setup a switch button that's easily accessible by the driver, then WOOHOOOOO! Check this out, it's the exact same car but in OZ:


murdoko, Jun 2, 4:41am
well i just bought it from China. The adapter cable is in the process of being ordered from Japan. I'll let you guyz now if the TV receiver works. ;)

fordcrzy, Jun 3, 12:07am
what model stereo do you have! the aux in feature is great on those factory toyotas.I just love my setup with the WD player. what plug did you have to get! ( is it that blue plug that some toyotas are missing!)

fordcrzy, Jun 3, 12:12am
oh by the way you may have to do the "handrake mod" so you can view the aux in when driving.on the ipsum 16030 stereo this involves cutting the handbrake wire to the stereo and grounding the stereo side of the wire and then cutting the "speed" wire to the stereo also.that way the aux will stay up when driving.

fordcrzy, Jun 3, 2:56am
one thing to watch with over seas tuners is that the sound is carried on another frequency to the video. you have to watch that even if you can pick up the video channel the sound might not come through as the sound maybe set to a 4.5Mhz offset overseas and a 5.5Mhz here for example.
have a look here to see what i mean.

richms, Jun 3, 3:10am
There is no audio offset in digital TV.

The problem that _all_ the tuners have when mobile is that NZ has done things different and have the infill coverage on a different channel to the main coverage. No tuners will change automatically between the different channels, whereas if they were all on one channel like other countries then it would not be an issue.

Since the programs in each carrier have the same ID, if you rescan on one freq then the others are overwritten. Rescanning is slow as on most of them with them not just letting you restrict scanning to just some channels.

fordcrzy, Jun 3, 3:15am
DOH how did i miss that! :) of course there isnt.

murdoko, Jun 14, 8:17pm
Okay, forgive me for resurrecting this thread but just wanna update this.

I received the Receiver from Chelong today. however my car is in the shop.

Also, the plug/adapter cable from Japan arrived a week ago and It fit's in nicely. Very high quality stuff as well. Gotta respect those Japs!

I'm pretty sure this will work. I'll keep you guys posted

fordcrzy, Jun 15, 3:14am
please do. i'm interested

murdoko, Jun 16, 1:21am
IT WORKS! did a rough installation today without hiding the wires under the carpet and trims. Attached just one antenna and the device to the power supply. Everything is crystal clear! sound and picture. a bit picky on the location though coz if I park between tall buildings then thats when it becomes hazy. but the point is it works as good as the video link posted above (post #9)

murdoko, Jun 16, 4:47am
okay, finished off the installation by hiding all the wires underneath the trims (the hard part especially when the TV is in the dashboard and the factory tuner is in the boot) and installing the second antenna. had to remove the trims in the boot, rear seats and a few trims in the cabin. Now it's clearer than before and not as picky location-wise as before.

I just need a RCA cable extension so I can hide the Receiver underneath the seat.

fordcrzy, Jun 16, 5:04am
post pics or it didnt happen! :)

murdoko, Jun 20, 1:58pm

trying to upload a vid on youtube though the pic above and the vid that I just recorded does not really show its real quality. ugh!