I need a new car.

jason18, Jun 10, 1:59pm
Mine broke down as I spent my money on piss and drugs and didnt maintain it. I have a crap credit rating as I never paid my big tv off with ge money. Instant finance doesnt want a bar of me either since my last car I crashed and didnt pay off cos it wasnt my fault. Would one of you kind souls lend me 20k so I can get a late model turbo legacy (i have an image to keep up) I promise I will pay you back. I only buy drugs once a week now

grangies, Jun 10, 2:03pm
Okey Dokey.

twink19, Jun 10, 2:12pm
nip down the WINS office they will sort you out

stevo2, Jun 10, 2:14pm
Just put yr missus "on the game"

jason18, Jun 10, 4:32pm
Cool she could get us the drug money and then I would have more money to pay you back

johnf_456, Jun 10, 4:52pm
wind up!

cjohnw, Jun 10, 5:09pm
Buy a Multipla!

Great drug gangsta cruiser!

kevin_the_kiwi, Jun 10, 5:36pm
wanna a medal!

elect70, Jun 10, 8:00pm
Wot you got for security boy !I know some big blackfellars who would loan you thatat 50% interestButit would be injuriousto your health if you din't keep up the re payments

stevo2, Jun 10, 8:01pm
kAzbAnz diS IS hoLw u dOit dUde

jason18, Jun 10, 9:17pm
Man you guys arent very helpful. Not even offering a loan to a drug taking alcoholic who you havent met on the net. I would loan you guys the cash. I would even take 19k

jason18, Jun 10, 9:18pm
Thanks elect that sounds great! Is it the mongrel mob or black power as some of those guys are my good mates. I usually buy drugs off them.

carstauranga001, Jun 10, 9:23pm
Really! You think!

crzyhrse, Jun 10, 9:26pm
Sharp. Nothing gets past you.

johnf_456, Jun 10, 9:40pm
And the problem is specifically for making a comment!

sr2, Jun 10, 10:54pm
"+1" (I allways wanted to do that!)

biddy6, Jun 10, 11:01pm
Hi Jason, I have seen plenty of your other posts, and you seem like a trustworthy sorta guy, so I will give you the money you need, (dont have to pay back), as long as you dont buy a turbo model.

jason18, Jun 10, 11:15pm
Thanks Biddy thats great. But I cant accept your offer unless I can buy a turbo one. Thanks anyway. Next time your in my area call in and take drugs with me

biddy6, May 30, 5:52am
Cheers Jason,your starting to sound like an old friend,but alas no more drugs for me, thanks anyway.