Help needed for not so smart car buyer?

valleystream, Jun 1, 5:34pm
Am looking at a Nissan Wingroad 2004 and it says on Carjam that it is:
Assembly type: Imported Built-Up

Does this mean it will cost more to insure! Or is this typical of the Nissan Wingroad! Thank you very much!

cjohnw, Jun 1, 6:40pm
Doesn't it mean it is simply imported "fully assembled"!

phillip.weston, Jun 1, 6:55pm
yeah as opposed to complete knock down (CKD) form, like the cars which were locally assembled here up until the mid-late 90s.

crzyhrse, Jun 1, 7:02pm
As above. It's nothing to do with who imported it but whether it was imported assembled.

valleystream, Apr 29, 7:04am
Oh thanks so much guys!