Anyone driving Tauranga - Wellington?

zx2r, May 25, 1:51am
in the next week or so! keen to transport something smallish for me for a small fee, maybe a box of beers, rums, whatever!

noswalg, May 25, 2:03am
Small! White! Powder like in appearance! I will not stick anything up my bum!

grangies, May 25, 2:03am
LOL. Have you got some homebrew!

zx2r, May 25, 2:07am
ok i see how that can get misinterpreted. its a bunch of scuba gear. and a cylinder costs an arm and a leg to courier. i do have a batch of 2yo homebrew that can be used as payment if thats the way you swing.

ola_bitchola1, May 25, 2:43am
you never told me you had homebrew i thought we were friends nick

zx2r, Mar 31, 8:54pm
hey you never asked jake. so you gonna get my gear down for me mate!