A brand new car?

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cjohnw, May 18, 5:06am
As I am closing ever nearer to retirement age I am considering buying a brand new car sometime this year (or early next). I anticipate that the new car will give me somewhere between 7 - 10 years of reliable motoring. So therefore I am not terribly worried about immediate depreciation. Definate requirements are I will need to make a trip of around 350km every two months or so to visit my grandchildren so do not want a 1300cc sewing machine.
There have been a couple of new arrivals recently that are of interest.

One is the Kia Optima sedan which seems quite good (hate those rims) and the Suzuki Kisashi sedan. Would also be interested in the Chevy Malibu but Holden still haven't made a decision if they are bringing it to NZ yet.
Any thoughts, or other suggestions!

Budget is up to $50,000. Please don't suggest second hand cars. Have mind made up on a brand new car.


vtecintegra, May 18, 5:27am
$50k will get you a Mazda 6, Accord Euro, Ford Mondeo or even a basic VW Passat.

The Suzuki is pretty ordinary from what I've heard.

clark20, May 18, 5:30am
I vote the passat, the new version is just released and will still be good in 7 years, the cheap cars don't seem to age well.

Edit if you don't need the size the Golf is good, but buy a demo, get over this new stuff, you can get a better spec if it has 2000-3000km on it for the same money.

thejazzpianoma, May 18, 5:41am
I couldn't agree more. The VW product is just a million times better in terms of engineering, comfort and economy compared to what you are looking at. VW's are also low maintenance, very reliable, parts are cheap and the warranty and service is excellent.
Crazy thing is they are fantastic value as well.

foxdonut, May 18, 5:56am

50k buys a lot of Holden.

Live a little, buy something with plenty of grunt.

cjohnw, May 18, 5:59am
Golf is really too small.

I have three grandchildren, so when we visit will need a car we can comfortably fit me, grandma and three growing grandchildren.

I have had some "unfortunate" (read expensive) experiences with european cars. I admit to being a Holden devotee over the years, had many (about 5) commodores, including V8's so don't want to go too small too quick.
A demonstrator wouldn't be out of the question - but I guess it is a question of what is available as a demo at the time we are wanting to purchase.
Not a VW fan at all really.

vtecintegra, May 18, 6:05am
I'd look at the Accord Euro and see if its big enough inside.

3tomany, May 18, 6:05am
buy a fiesta and give the other 25k to youre grand kids in a trust fund and you will never regret it driving a new fiesta is awsome believe me

cjohnw, May 18, 6:10am
Thanks. Quite like the look of the Mazda 6. Well spec'd too. Might check that out.

cjohnw, May 18, 6:12am
So what! Buy a fiesta, and a trailer to tow the grandkids along behind!

And they don't need the trust fund - believe me.

thejazzpianoma, May 18, 6:20am
Pity, funny thing is I would have a lot more faith in the VW product than what you were looking at. (no offense intended there by the way, just honest opinion). VW have only really come into their own in the last 7 years or so. I would suggest you go drive a Passat anyway as you may be really surprised. Besides no harm in trying one. We have had a dozen or so new VW/Audi's in the family of the last 8 years, all trouble free.
If the Passat is a bit pricey you can have all the same technology in a Skoda which may suit your pricing better.

3tomany, May 18, 6:25am
ok then you like big cars so do i. the reason i say that is because in my fleet l bought new are a suzuki jimney,suzuki sx4awd, fg falcon,fiesta, and the best is the fiasta i only bought it for my daughter but i cant stop taking for a spin because its so much fun to drive. it leaves the rest for dead in build quality and fun factor

3tomany, May 18, 6:28am
the jazz is giving good advise here if you are use to big cars but dont want another v8

cjohnw, May 18, 6:33am
Yes, I appreciate what you are saying re VW and even Skoda (which I really like) but I have set my budget at $50k max. and The best I could do in the Passat is the base 1.8 model, and only just make it to the 2l Skoda.
As I approach this retirement age, new = reliable and warranty becomes more important.
Was trying to get impressions of those (3) options,but also happy to consider other suggestions which was exactly the intention of the thread.
I sincerely appreciate your comments. Thank you.
Any other options (within the 50k budget) would be interesting. (Cruize!)

3tomany, May 18, 6:35am
cruize is daewoo the hyundai is a better korean option

cjohnw, May 18, 6:37am
Correct. And I concur. I am simply sounding out options and asking for opinions. My view is, the more options I have to consider the better.

Obviously for what I need, the Fiesta is not an option, but I appreciate your suggestions. And yes, we are past V8's now.

. regretably!

3tomany, May 18, 6:38am
hyundai i45 check there web site you wont regret it

foxdonut, May 18, 6:39am
How much is that Hyundai i40! That could be worth looking at.

foxdonut, May 18, 6:39am

thejazzpianoma, May 18, 6:41am
LOL, sorry to laugh but you definitely havn't driven the "only 2 litre" Skoda Octavia have you!
I think you are going to be in for quite the surprise when you do!

cjohnw, May 18, 6:43am
YES! Like that.

Might go have a sneaky look at Winger tomorrow.


thejazzpianoma, May 18, 6:47am
I don't follow your logic John. The I45 drinks more gas than the Octavia but dosn't even come close on performance.

cjohnw, May 18, 6:49am
No you are correct. I really haven't driven anything yet.

I confess I am using all you experts to compile a list of vehicles to consider (an inspect, and test drive) and at this point have only ruled a couple out (Fiesta).

I am appreciating the comments and suggestions. Keep them coming.

So far I am considering:
Mazda 6
Hyundai i45
Skoda Superb sedan
Kia Octavia
Holden Cruize
VW Passat

Not necessarily in that order.

3tomany, May 18, 6:51am
youre probably right but we have given him some options so i hope he looks at them all and then makes a desision. if going for econimy a modeo diesol is the best option i think and the power will amaze

cjohnw, May 18, 6:51am
I guess that is what I am going to experience with test drives!

Do you think I should "pause" until 2012!