Classic car chrome: How to

sean1111, May 8, 5:10pm
The 64 tbird is going into storage for a while and was wondering if there was anything that could be done to stop the chrome getting damaged e.g rust/ corrosion!Can the parts (inc bumpers) be covered in something to prevent any oxidation etc.
Many thanks for any help.

socram, May 8, 5:15pm
Someone once gave my friend a recipe but unfortunately, that friend died last year, but I am sure it contained Vaseline as a key ingredient.Glycerine might have been another ingredient.

biddy6, May 8, 7:47pm
Try Soft Seal, made by CRC I think, in an aerosol can.

paull, May 8, 7:50pm
getting a good cover for the car will help, vaseline will degrade soon or later and leave stains down the paintwork as it is petroleum based, maybe take the trim of and wrap it in a towell, i have heard of people putting those damp rid in the storage container or lock up, only prob is you have to replace them every 6 weeks or so but that dont matter

sean1111, May 8, 8:07pm
Oh oK thanks for the help I might look into the crc product, will be in storage for more than a year at this stage.

cuda.340, May 8, 8:19pm
if you're serious about looking after her. buy a dehumidifier & leave it running 24/7 with the drainline going out the door.

biddy6, May 8, 9:02pm

fran29, May 9, 1:35am
Have you thought about talking to the mothers team and see what they may have/I know that this products are the best.We have been using them on our 77 tbird since painting.You could always ask for doctor details and see what he says

sunwest, May 9, 1:35am
Yep i agree but expensive.

lookoutas, May 9, 1:36am
Gibbs Brand Lubricant

Mike's right at your back door! And Google is closer.

singing1, May 9, 2:03am
I agree. you wont find anything better. this is what they use on those bare steel hot rods

jenn30, May 9, 3:10am
i was reading the jaguar manual and it says the chrome needs to be kept polished to prevent oxidation, if you don't keep it up to scratch it starts to oxidise.

thejazzpianoma, May 9, 2:54pm
Not sure what the insides of T Bird bumpers are like but in general, whipping chrome bumpers off and painting the inside with POR-15 will stop any attack from within. Well worth doing on any classic IMO whether stored or not.

jezz43, May 9, 2:56pm
what about oils like fisholineetc! or silicon based sprays!
isnt teh main ingredient of vaseline glyceriine!

woody1946, May 9, 11:38pm
I would have thought that it would be OK just left as it is . My classic is just under a carport with a dust cover and the chrome is just as good as it was in 1960

Edit to say, mind you it is a class car (see profile pic)

zephyrheaven, Feb 2, 11:09am
Ive stored a few classics, the general rule is always use a good quality car polish like mothers, rub it on & leave it on the chrome - sure it goes hard but works very well at keeping rust at bay