Advise please re: buying a new used car

trevballs, May 7, 3:21am
Does NZ new mean it is newly into New Zealand (as in I would be the first owner).Or does it mean it was 'built' in New Zealand!Sorry if this question has been asked a million times before.I am looking to update my car and don't have a partner who would normally know this so am getting to know the 'lingo' in the used car market before I head out into it! LOL
Any other pieces of advise would be appreciated as well.

im_andrew, May 7, 3:26am
NZ new means it was sold brand new in NZ - the opposite of a used import.
A car is NZ new if it has only been owned/driven in NZ.

trevballs, May 7, 3:28am
Thank you for that im_andrew.Much appreciated.

vtecintegra, Jan 23, 5:18pm
As with anything else on Trademe it relies on the seller entering the correct information - if they've keyed in an incorrect value it will show on their auction.

You could run a carjam report on the car if you're keen, it will show when the car was first registered in this country