We are interested in a car but as I nor my husband are at all mechanically minded we feel we should get a check done. AA is the first to spring to mind. What opinions or experiences do you have! Its an nissan mistral and about 15 years old.
May 2, 3:38am
Take it to a mechanic, a car that old will give you a list 20 meters long at the AA
May 2, 3:41am
vtnz do a pre buy inspection too
May 2, 3:43am
I know that its not going to be perfect but dont want to buy something that will only last 3 months! They want 5 grand for it so I figure its worth getting a check. I dont have a mechanic-does vtnz do anything similar!
May 2, 5:13am
AA awaste of time.go VTNZ.i think $60 an they go all over.
May 2, 5:21am
Just head into your nearest Nissan dealer, they know of the common faults and they know what to look for.
May 2, 5:24am
The nearest recognised specialist in diesels and/or 4x4's is the place you should be going, ie someone who is working with and fixing these things all day every day, NOT VTNZ or AA. What you should be looking for: Worn suspension and steering joints/bushes both front and rear, especially control arm joints and the link bushes on the rear axle Leaking injector pumps Cooling system, general condition, good clean radiator and for water pump leaks Any odd behaviour from gauges, and if the gauges are working! Check all body electrics work, especially windows and door locks and climate control air con (90's Nissan electrics are sh!t) Excessive exhaust smoke (thats where the specialist comes in) Make sure there is no rust around the rear seatbelt mounts at the bottom, get the back seat lifted up and look from both top and bottom. Any odd auto trans behaviour, delayed or harsh shifts, shifts which occur too quick or for no apparant reason, fluid condition Other than that, just a good general check!
May 2, 5:29am
Some good points but 90's electrics on nissan are not that bad as you make out.
May 2, 5:32am
Sorry but they are, ask your local wrecker how many alternators, starters, window regs, window switches, door lock actuators, instrument clusters, sender units and climate control units they sell for Nissan product compared to other Jap product.The above comes from working on these things since they were first imported into NZ.
May 2, 5:34am
I work on them a lot and can't say I have noticed it over other vehicles but each to there own opinion. All models have common flaws, some good some bad. Which is why you need to be specific model per model. And most wreckers specialize in one brand rather than wrecking multiple makes of car.
May 2, 5:48am
I was being specific per model, and added that as a general comment.I notice all you said was take the thing to a Nissan dealer!If you are going to criticise other posts add something constructive yourself.
May 2, 5:55am
How have you being specific per model, you have just ranted off in general. As for nissan dealer that is the best advice to the OP rather than taking it to aa or the vtnz, dealers know all the common faults and they know what it costs to put it right.
Making broad statements with not xxx model has this fault and xxx model this. So there is nothing wrong with taking a car to the dealer and pay an hours labour for them to give the car a good going over. They sure will give you a better picture than the aa so I am puzzled why its not constructive.
whats with your personally attacking lately in general and don't give me have a laugh crap. It seams you specifically do it to me over anyone else that posts here.
There is nothing wrong with paying a dealers workshop to give a car a going over, Please explain why this is bad advice over taking it to someone like the AA.
May 2, 6:05am
I didn't say its bad advice, just thought it would be better if you checked it over, as you know it all.
May 2, 6:08am
No I don't know everything known to man, no one does. Dealership works shops of boats cars whatever know of the common faults with various models and they know what to look for and how much it will cost to fix xxx fault hence offering it has the best advice. Rather than a AA man inspecting a 1000 different models and not knowing the common issues between them. And I have no idea why you think I know everything because I don't.
Jan 6, 2:05am
Leave you to it john, I'm going to have a smoke (o:
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