Website for checking out car details b4 buying

mr-and-mrs, Apr 28, 7:15pm
I would like to know which website to go to for checking up on details of whether finance is on the car and if so does it say how much is owing.And any other details a new owner should know before purchasing. TIA

therafter1, Apr 28, 7:26pm . you will have to register.

jono2912, Apr 28, 7:27pm
Don't do AA (etc) checks, not worth the time or money, take it to a trusted mechanic or the brand (toyota, suzuki etc) dealer the tell them to spend two hours labour looking at it.

mr-and-mrs, Apr 29, 5:46pm
so with car jam if there is money owing does it tell u how much or is that a privacy issue!

jasongroves, Apr 29, 6:42pm
It will tell you for a nominal fee;)

r15, Dec 26, 3:05am
if you pay for the report yes it will tell you what you need to know.

also i second the idea of taking the car to its dealer - eg if its a toyota, go to toyota and get them to check it out for you - the franchise garages are most likely to know what common things to look out for on a given model when it comes to pre purchase inspections.

the other thing which is a good request is a 'pretend warrant' - basicly go through a WOF, without actually creating a new or voiding an existing WOF- just doing all the WOF checks.

dont just get the WOF check though, as this wont tell you the whole story