My car's leaking antifreeze?

tigga212, Apr 26, 3:19am
doe's this sound like the waterpump! Or. was going for a drive was all going well half hour away from home & it suddenly stop's the engine cut out going up a hill. rolled down the hill on the flat noticed it leaking water/antifreeze. got it home put it in my drive way & decided to try it. it started first pop.

tigga212, Apr 26, 3:27am
also i really needed to go the supermarket so thought i'll risk taken the car 10min down the rd all going fine got evrything i needed for kid's etc.comin homeup a hill it die;s againhappen to be almost home. tryed it agin copule hours later n it goe's. it's got me confused.

cuda.340, Apr 26, 3:29am
where is the source of the leak!

henderson_guy, Apr 26, 3:29am will probably find you have 2 seperate issues there.what kinda car is it! And did you check your temperature gauge when it cut out!

tigga212, Apr 26, 3:31am
the leak it not direct under the radioatior seems to be around the waterpump i think & it's a Honda domani 92, automatic, v-tec

tigga212, Apr 26, 3:33am
Temp gage was sitting half way as it usually doe's, Also the Cambelt is not due to be replaced for another 20,000 K's.

pdc1, Apr 26, 3:41am
Don't keep driving it, if it is overheating it will do serious damage, if not already. If you must drive it make sure it has coolant in it and you watch the temperature guage.
What engine has the domani got. I know the 1800 has the waterpump under the timing belt cover and you can't see it.

johnf_456, Apr 26, 3:44am
^^ never driven an over heating engine, pays to be safe than sorry

tigga212, Apr 26, 3:45am
i plan on ringing garage tommorrow, hopfully i can get it fixed before school star's back. i'm pretty sure it is 1800. I was inpressed when it cut out suddenly as i have only owned it for around 2month's

neville48, Apr 26, 3:48am
was the leak a hole in your coil and have you lost the coolent from round the coil, when it gets hot it will malfunction till it cools down again.

_peas, Apr 26, 3:51am
If its from around the waterpump there is usually a weep hole that starts weeping coolant after the inner seal has gone but before the bearing is totally stuffed.I'd confirm that and if thats it get the cambelt done now.If your waterpump seizes. well cambelt job would look pretty cheap.
Not sure about the cutting out.

tigga212, Apr 26, 3:52am
wouldnt have a clue neville48. i don't know anything about car's i just drive em lol.i know very little about them & not game to climb under n have a look being 6month's pregnant lol

tigga212, Apr 27, 5:21pm
well my car's now in da garage, waiting for the call to tell mewhat's the probelm & how much it's going ta cost :(

tigga212, Apr 27, 6:57pm
got a leaking radioator, leaking water pump & faulty distribuater ( sory bout bad spelling) how much should i be prepaired to pay!

intrade, Apr 28, 1:35am
quite a bit depending on what car it is and where the parts are post your engine number and make model on here for more comprahensive guess.
engine number is needed to figure where water pump is.
Honda domani 92

richynuts, Apr 28, 1:42am
From experience on my past cars waterpumps tend to go at about 150- 200,000k

pandai, Dec 21, 1:53am
No, it isn't